- 著者
北越 香織
島 康久
堀江 緑
齋藤 由貴
見取 祐子
- 出版者
- 名古屋文理大学
- 雑誌
- 名古屋文理大学紀要 (ISSN:13461982)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.12, pp.143-146, 2012-03-31
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of Grifola gargal (mushroom)extracts on insulin resistance induced by high-fructose diet. 12 Male rats of Wistar strain aged 7 weekswere divided into 3 groups. That is 1) high-fructose diet group (Fructose 60% content; FRU), 2) highfructose + Grifola gargal group (FG) and 3) normal diet group (Control). The rats in 3 groups werebreeded for 4 weeks.Then, afterfasting for 16 hours, a sequential euglycemic clamp experiment with twodifferent insulin infusion rates of 6.0 (L-clamp) and 30.0 mU/kgBW/min (H-clamp) was performed. Theserum glucose concentration in each rat was maintained at the level of basal blood glucose concentrationsin the experiment. The glucose infusion rate (GIR) was assumed to be an index of the action of insulinfor 60-90 and 150-180 minutes. As a result, the FRU group and FG group markedly reduced GIRs inL-clamp experiment compared with Control group. However, a significant difference was not able to beconfirmed between FG and FRU groups. Consequently, the effects of Grifola gargal extracts were notshown. While, in H-clamp, GIR in FG group were increased by Grifola gargal extracts compared withFRU group, and reached the almost same levels as in Control group. Therefore, it was suggested t