堤 厚
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測と制御 (ISSN:04534662)
vol.1, no.4, pp.261-269, 1962-04-10 (Released:2010-10-21)

Described herein is a transistorized AD/DA Converter which has both analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions.In the analog-to-digital conversion, the instrument accepts 0-5V input voltages with the input impedance higher than 500kΩ and operates on them to produce 0-1000 digital output signal (real out-put is binary coded signal) in 130μ sec with accuracy and precision of 0.1%. The, operation is, of the voltage feedback encoding method.In the digital-to-analog conversion, 0-1000 digital input, signals, are converted into 0--5V output voltages with the equivalent accuracy to that of analog-to-digital conversion. Its output impedance is Iess than 1Ω.The silicon diodes are employed to gate the weighted currents in the DA conversion circuit from which feedback voltages are obtained in the analog -to-digital conversion and the output voltages in digitalto-analog conversion. As all the circuits of the instrument are carefully compensated against the temperature change, it can be used in ambient temperature 5-50°C.