大塚 稔
一般社団法人 日本東洋医学会
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.72, no.3, pp.239-243, 2021 (Released:2022-08-12)

桂枝加朮附湯を用いて,手部の炎症性や疼痛性疾患の治療に良好な結果を得ている報告は多い。これらを参考に,整形外科外来診療において,桂枝加朮附湯による DIP 関節の変形腫脹(ヘバーデン結節)や疼痛治療を行った16例を基にして,桂枝加朮附湯による手指関節痛治療の有用性について検討した。症例は16例全例が女性であり,年齢は57歳~80歳,平均67.4歳(標準偏差5.88歳),罹病期間6ヵ月~15年,平均4年6ヵ月。冷え症(虚症,寒証)11例,中間証5例,BMI20以下の痩躯が7例,手指の腱鞘炎を合併している症例が4例であった。疼痛緩和までの期間は2ヵ月から8ヵ月,平均3ヵ月,その後8例で内服を継続し,維持量は2.5g であった。全例で変形の進行はなかった。全例で痛みは消失ないしはほぼ消失し全例で鎮痛効果がみられた。局所の熱感は全例で消失した。手指関節炎にも枝加朮附湯は有効治療となり得る。
鈴木 順和 大塚 稔
宮崎女子短期大学紀要 (ISSN:02898748)
vol.26, pp.75-86, 2000-03

This survey was conducted to investigate students' independent study habits and activities after school. The questionnaire, which consisted of 18 items, was completed by 217 (68.2%) of 318 students in 1994. The results were as follows : 1) Most students studied less than one hour a day at home, and used most of that time to do their Special subject assignments. There were few students who studied at other schools (language school, etc.) and most students spent a lot of time doing part time jobs after school. 2) There were few students who read books for more than one hour a day and a lot of students who seldom read books ; especially Western books. They, however, often watched TV ; the time spent watching TV was more than three times the time spent reading books. Students were interested in employment or hobbies, but scarcely interested in lessons other than English subjects. 3) Many students were satisfied with school life, but one third of the first year students were not satisfied. The main reasons for being satisfied with school life were friends and interesting/beneficial subjects, and the main reasons for being unsatisfied were a lack of beneficial/interesting subjects or good teachers. These results suggest that there are few students who study independently and most students have not acquired independent study habits. The results also suggest that the quality of education and teachers are important for students to be satisfied with school.