奥津 憲聖
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:18802249)
no.13, pp.131-148, 2017-03-16

本稿では、1968(昭和43)年から1981(昭和56)年にかけて横浜市の企画調整局長や技監を務めた田村明の個人文書が持つ歴史的価値を明らかにし、その編成のあり方を検討する。田村は革新市政期の横浜市をブレーンとして支えた人物であり、先進的な都市政策を立案して現在の横浜の都市構造の礎を築いた都市計画の専門家である。地方自治体の政治過程に参画した専門家の個人文書は、公文書の内容からは明らかにすることができない政策立案の背景を現在に伝える。特に都市計画家の個人文書には公的記録の不足を補う歴史資料としての価値が認められる。田村明個人が作成・収受・整理し、自宅で保管していた文書群は彼の没後、「田村明資料」として横浜市史資料室に寄贈された。本稿では同資料の構造分析を行い、彼が生涯にわたって展開した機能の連続性と組織性を明らかにした。その上で「都市プランナー」、「家族」、「個人」という3 つのシリーズを設定し、同資料を編成した。さらに田村の経歴を反映させたサブシリーズと同資料に含まれる文書の内容に基づいたサブシリーズをシリーズ「都市プランナー」の下に並置させた。先行研究の編成論を踏まえながら、アーカイブズの内的秩序の構成理論に基づき提示した新しい編成手法は他の個人文書の編成にも応用することが可能である。This paper aims at elucidating the historical value and arrangement process of a collection of private records produced by Tamura Akira (1926-2010), a professional urban planner who served as the head of the planning and coordination bureau as well as chief engineer for City of Yokohama from 1968 to 1981. In those years when the reformist was the mayor, Tamura served as the brains behind Yokohama’s development, offering progressive proposals relating to urban planning, and setting the groundwork for the modern-day urban structure of Yokohama. Participating as he did in the political process of local government, Tamura’s private records give us a glimpse into the background of certain policymaking—information which is not generally included in public records. Tamura’s records—what are now referred to collectively as the Tamura Akira Documents—which were originally produced, collected, and organized in his own house, were donated to City of Yokohama Municipal Archives Reference Room after his death. This paper aims at analyzing the general contents of these records, as well as the continuity and organizational potential of Tamura’s works. I have organized his records into three series, depending on their content: there are records about his profession, about his family life, and about his personal life. In Addition, I have provided the first series with sub-series which depend on his career and interest. While consulting previous research into the process of document arrangement, I present here a new method, based on archival theory, of arranging private records in general.