姜 楠
長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
vol.55, no.1, pp.38-41, 2015-06-23

Kōfukuji, a temple of the Ōbaku Zen Sect in Nagasaki, Japan, contains a Chinese Cemetery with gravestones dating from 1757 to 1887. Past research indicated the presence of 111 gravestones commemorating the deaths of 128 people, almost all seamen involved in the Japanese-Chinese trade. Previous maps grouped these 111 gravestones in eight sections designated by the letters A to H. The author discovered five new gravestones in the cemetery and added a new section "I" to the map. This is a report on the discovery of the previously unknown gravestones, the information on the deceased gleaned from the gravestone inscriptions, and the significance of the discovery for further studies on the Chinese Cemetery at Kōfukuji.