上薗 恒太郎 蒲池 文恵
長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
vol.55, no.2, pp.42-96, 2016-01-20

Moral education textbooks of “Morality and Life” and “Morality and Society” in the PRC combine history, geography and politics with morality in a world view. Morality is not integrated as a separate world view within personality, as it is in Japan, but it is overwhelmingly organized outside of children themselves. We analyzed 10 kinds of moral education textbooks used in the PRC, published from 2002 to 2013. In Chinese moral textbooks, the history of the Opium War and the defeat of the Japanese military are organized in order to legitimize the Chinese Communist party's integration and operation within China. Peace in these textbooks is not only viewed as the opposite of War, but the concept richly includes a view of the Chinese people’s liberation, global unity of economy with other countries, development of science and technology in the PRC, along with world politics from a Chinese perspective.
中島 恭子 Burke-Gaffney Brian
長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
vol.56, no.2, pp.65-76, 2017-02-03

In October 1860, little more than a year after the opening of Japan’s doors in the wake of the Ansei Five-Power Treaties, Nagasaki British Consul George S. Morrison engaged Swiss photographer Pierre Rossier to take several photographs of Nagasaki Harbor, including the proposed site of the Nagasaki Foreign Settlement. The first taken in Japan, the panoramic photographs provide invaluable insights into the scenery of Nagasaki as it emerged from the long period of national isolation. This paper presents the photographs and the entire letter sent by Morrison to British authorities describing the scenes captured in the photographs. For the first time, it also provides a concise Japanese translation of the letter, a foothold for further research in the field.
上薗 恒太郎
長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
vol.61, no.2, pp.55-76, 2022-01-06

Seventy-four audience living near Nagasaki City, 52.2% of whom were ladies in their 60's, saw Shoplifters, and change of their consciousness through the film was assessed by the association method. Their response words of the association to the film by five cue words reveal that they accepted it as a family story, considering their basic response words to all cue words 'ties', 'compassion', 'kindness', 'happiness' and 'love'. The film, which sends no direct message about 'peace' or 'recognition on oneself', brought impressions deep enough to significantly change of the concepts of the audience (p<.05) as to follows: (1) lying is not always bad, (2) peace needs, ties, happiness, calm, kindness, and love, (3) decreasing of negative reflections on themselves. Because of the concentrations to each family history of audience, the way of social and political solutions of problems in family relationships disappeared from the sphere of thought between them. And this paper concludes that there came up tetra nested structure of consciousness in the field of the film screening as a base of the deep impressions by the film.
大場 和彦 蒲原 新一 繁宮 悠介 市瀬 実里 中道 隆広
長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
vol.57, no.2, pp.100-109, 2018-01-29

Methodologies of science education have changed with the changing times. Although information-oriented society tends to make students away from science, the scientific knowledge and thinking method equipped in secondary education are useful in following daily life and career. We examined whether the curriculum of the Life Environment Engineering Course in Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science can cover many contents of science in secondary education and whether the curriculum is beneficial for teacher training. Our curriculum consists of five disciplines: agricultural meteorology, environmental analytical chemistry, energy conservation technology, biotechnology, and ecology. Their integrated education enables students to learn many contents of high-school science and also interaction among four subjects: physics, chemistry, biology, and geology. Science teachers trained in this curriculum however would have difficulty when teaching existing disciplinary science, but they would exert their conception of nature in the secondary educational subject “the period of integrated study” where interdisciplinary and inquiry learning are encouraged.
松岡 和彦
長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
vol.55, no.1, pp.17-23, 2015-06-23

Recently, in the manufacturing enterprise application of 3D-CAD has been practiced in many fields. Also to many of the shipyard in the shipbuilding industry is progressing spread of 3D-CAD. In this study, we researched for 3D-CAD spread in shipbuilding industry. It was decided to carry out the proposed terms of design method utilizing the digital mock-up of Use and is compared to the shipbuilding industry of digital mock-up in other manufacturing industries.
元田 謙亮
長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
vol.56, no.1, pp.1-9, 2016-07-14

To observe the effect of the education in Nagasaki Jichu Elementary School which was the only school for students of Chinese Immigrants in the Kyushu area, the present status of Chinese descendants, I contacted several descendants of Chinese immigrants who had studied at that school through their interviews, I found a similarity among the participants. It depends on their personal choice whether or not students can make a good use of the educational career at Nagasaki Jichu Elementary School. Only the persons who decided to work in the Chinese community receive its merits, because Chinese culture and education at Nagasaki Jichu Elementary School are so unusual in the Japanese society.
上薗 恒太郎 蒲池 文恵
長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
vol.56, no.2, pp.94-148, 2017-02-03

Moral education is integrated with history, geography and politics, and so to the worldview of children in textbooks of PRC. In Chinese moral textbooks, four dimensions are found to enhance self-affirmative consciousness, namely, efforts: 1) to emphasize acceptance by others, parents, friends and society, 2) to realize a dream as a member of the Sino-centric society of China, 3) to assess self-affirmative consciousness by contribution to groups, class society, community and state, and 4) to recommend a method of portfolio management and autosuggestion. We can say that self-affirmative consciousness in Chinese moral textbooks is integrated to form the point of view of the communist party to patriotism. Compared to this integrated and strong moral education, the Japanese system has a character of reticence, where moral values are taught separately in each lesson. Japanese moral education allows individual integration of moral values to self-affirmative consciousness, which is a base of democracy.
黒田 勝彦 本村 元
長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
vol.55, no.1, pp.30-37, 2015-06-23

Sample sound of two kind of violin is examined through four better characteristics 1) rising of sound is early, 2) loudness of sound is large, 3) convergence of sound is early, and 4) there is a feature in switching of sound. After that, it is investigated to try to create structure of golf driver face with the characteristics of 2) and 3). The study is validated through numerical analyses, using a finite element method. Finally, questionnaire survey to the 4 features with continuous sound of violin and the 2 features with impact sound of driver face is performed to investigate correlative relationship between the violin sound and the face sound. As a result, the results of correlative relationship between them are effective except for the one of the convergence of sound.
姜 楠
長崎総合科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (ISSN:24239976)
vol.55, no.1, pp.38-41, 2015-06-23

Kōfukuji, a temple of the Ōbaku Zen Sect in Nagasaki, Japan, contains a Chinese Cemetery with gravestones dating from 1757 to 1887. Past research indicated the presence of 111 gravestones commemorating the deaths of 128 people, almost all seamen involved in the Japanese-Chinese trade. Previous maps grouped these 111 gravestones in eight sections designated by the letters A to H. The author discovered five new gravestones in the cemetery and added a new section "I" to the map. This is a report on the discovery of the previously unknown gravestones, the information on the deceased gleaned from the gravestone inscriptions, and the significance of the discovery for further studies on the Chinese Cemetery at Kōfukuji.