櫛田 浩平 安藤 麻里子 天野 光
公益社団法人 日本分析化学会
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.63, no.11, pp.867-871, 2014-11-05 (Released:2014-12-05)

Gold is useful not only for traditional, ordinary human applications as ornaments, coins or electric devices, but also for nuclear and radiation applications. Here we report a study of activated gold for estimating the neutron dose in the environment in the case of the JCO criticality accident that occurred in Tokai, Japan, in 1999. We collected and analyzed 16 gold samples, such as rings, coins or necklaces stored at residents’ houses located in the range of 168 to 568 m from the accident site of the JCO. They indicated activities of gold from 91.9 to 0.322 Bq g−1 as standardized values at 06 : 15 on October 1, 1999, when the criticality reaction had ceased after 20 hours of continuation. The induced radioactivity of gold samples showed a good correlation as a power function of distance. The induced radioactivity of gold is discussed with the reference data in order to estimate dose equivalent in the environment around the JCO. This paper gives an example showing the usefulness of gold in the field of nuclear and radiation studies and applications.