勝見 久央 吉野 幸一郎 平岡 拓也 秋元 康佑 山本 風人 本浦 庄太 定政 邦彦 中村 哲
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.35, no.1, pp.DSI-D_1-12, 2020-01-01 (Released:2020-01-01)

Argumentation-based dialogue systems, which can handle and exchange arguments through dialogue, have been widely researched. It is required that these systems have sufficient supporting information to argue their claims rationally; however, the systems do not often have enough information in realistic situations. One way to fill in the gap is acquiring such missing information from dialogue partners (information-seeking dialogue). Existing informationseeking dialogue systems were based on handcrafted dialogue strategies that exhaustively examine missing information. However, these strategies were not specialized in collecting information for constructing rational arguments. Moreover, the number of system’s inquiry candidates grows in accordance with the size of the argument set that the system deal with. In this paper, we formalize the process of information-seeking dialogue as Markov decision processes (MDPs) and apply deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for automatic optimization of a dialogue strategy. By utilizing DRL, our dialogue strategy can successfully minimize objective functions: the number of turns it takes for our system to collect necessary information in a dialogue. We also proposed another dialogue strategy optimization based on the knowledge existence. We modeled the knowledge of the dialogue partner by using Bernoulli mixture distribution. We conducted dialogue experiments using two datasets from different domains of argumentative dialogue. Experimental results show that the proposed dialogue strategy optimization outperformed existing heuristic dialogue strategies.
佐々木 耀一 木村 圭吾 山本 風人 岡嶋 穣 定政 邦彦
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第32回全国大会(2018)
pp.4K1OS16a05, 2018 (Released:2018-07-30)

本論文では有向ハイパーグラフ(DH)上での到達可能性判定問題を高速に解くためのアルゴリズムを研究する。 DHは有向グラフとハイパーグラフそれぞれの特徴を持ち、より一般化されたグラフとみることができる。 本問題に対し、推移閉包情報の性質を活かすため組合せ集合に特化した圧縮を行うことにより,メモリ使用量を減らしつつ,高速に到達可能性判定を行うことができるアルゴリズムを提案する.