宮崎 康子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.50, pp.358-371, 2004-03-31

This paper attempts the relationship between the Subject and Community in France in the 1930's. It also looks at the uniqueness of this decade in the rise not only of Fascism, but also Marxism, Surrealism and New Education. Most studies have proposed that theories of community focus on improving old community systems into newer and better ones. However, George Bataille (1897-1962) critically analyzed the normal community theories of the 1930's, suggesting that they were simply a means for reproducing the same type of community in the sense that all of them needed a certain core to maintain their order. It seemed to him that they were based on cannons and norms determined by reason. Bataille provided an abnormal system, which was called "Acephale", for thinking outside of the norms. The French word Acephale means "the headless man". The "head" is the symbol of the leader in a community, and therefore it also indicates reason. In Bataille's Acephale-community, there are no cannons or norms. All members of the community become as the Subject, who is totaly free from the logic of systems. In this paper, I conclude that an understanding of Bataille's theory of community should not focus on its functional aspect, but on the dynamic process of becoming of the Subject.