小室 雅人 折井 啓一郎 小野寺 祐加 白神 誠
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.15, no.3, pp.111-117, 2013 (Released:2013-12-27)

Objective: If product information provided by pharmaceutical manufactures is not consistent with a product assessment made by the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), users may gain false perceptions about the product, which may be detrimental to patients.  An investigation was conducted to compare the contents of product information provided by pharmaceutical manufacturers and product evaluation reports prepared by PMDA to identify any discrepancies between data assessment in the two documents.Methods: Descriptions in “Product Characteristics” and “Clinical Studies” of product information summaries were compared with product evaluation reports prepared by PMDA.  Inquiries were addressed to manufacturers if any questions arose.Results: The investigation was conducted on 66 new active ingredients approved in 2009 to 2010.  As 14 questions arose with 12 ingredients, inquiries were addressed to manufacturers, all of whom offered a response.  As a result, four questions were resolved for two ingredients.  However, for the remaining products, it was revealed that the manufacturers described in the product information summaries what they claimed at the time of submission even though their claims were not accepted by PMDA.Conclusion: It was considered that the pharmaceutical manufacturers possibly did not comprehend the contents of the PMDA’s evaluation reports.  It was suggested that the industry as a whole should examine the issue.  As discrepancies were observed even in product information summaries, which are viewed by a relatively large number of people, it was assumed that more issues may be found in promotional materials provided exclusively to healthcare professionals.
藤田 優子 中島 理恵 小野寺 祐加 白神 誠
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.16, no.1, pp.23-27, 2014-05-30 (Released:2014-06-09)

Introduction: A health assessment sheet was developed to establish a new method for post marketing surveillance (PMS) for nonprescription drugs, the status of which has recently been switched from prescription (Rx) to over-the-counter (OTC) to confirm the efficacy and safety of Rx-to-OTC switched drugs.  The assessment sheet was designed to evaluate adverse reactions that may be possibly induced by the drugs and to elicit spontaneous complaints from consumers.  An investigation using the assessment sheet had been conducted earlier for famotidine tablets.  While the earlier investigation suggested the effectiveness of the assessment method, it also revealed some issues.  After making improvements in the assessment sheet, another investigation was conducted for Loxonin®S.Method: Purchasers of Loxonin®S were asked to tick symptoms that were applicable to them among those listed in the sheet.  They were asked to revisit the pharmacy and complete the sheet for the second time after drug administration.  The possibility of adverse reactions was considered for the symptoms additionally chosen at the second visit and they were then compared with the adverse reactions described in the package insert of Loxonin®S.Results: Total 284 people completed the health assessment sheet at their first and second visits.  Of them, 44 people (15.5%) reported additional symptoms at the second visit.  Commonly reported symptom was “frequent experience of sleepiness,” “persistent headaches” and “fatigability.”Conclusion: The study suggested that the health assessment sheet can be an effective tool for PMS for nonprescription drugs immediately after the Rx-to-OTC switch and contributes to detecting adverse reactions of the drugs.