中島 理恵 白神 誠
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.37, no.1, pp.9-18, 2018-06-10 (Released:2018-07-10)

When establishing new pharmacy services, they must be in line with the needs of individual community residents. In our research, it was clear that services provided by the newly implemented health support pharmacies and primary care pharmacist system in recent years satisfy the needs of patients as well as the public in general. We collected information via a survey that used a structured questionnaire. In addition to basic information (age/sex), it also covered details of their pharmacy use, their thoughts on pharmacy services, and the actual usability of pharmacy services. Differences in respondent’s opinions and the actual usability of each pharmacy service were compared between age groups and sexes. Female respondents had more favorable opinions about the antismoking, nutrition, and sickness prevention consultation services than male respondents did. The proportion of survey respondents in their 40s and 50s who proactively used pension and welfare consultation services was significantly higher than for other age groups. The younger generation perceived 24-hour pharmacies and the primary care pharmacy system as necessary. There is a large disparity between people’s thoughts and opinions on the actual usability of the services that primary care pharmacies aim to offer, and this differ in people’s ages and sexes. The younger generation tend to expect the pharmacy services. It is important for pharmacies to address the needs of the generation which is skeptical toward the separation of medical and dispensary practice and recognize them the new role of pharmacies.
中島 理恵
一般社団法人 レギュラトリーサイエンス学会
レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌 (ISSN:21857113)
vol.7, no.2, pp.81-89, 2017 (Released:2017-05-31)

製薬企業が行うプロモーションのなかには虚偽や誤解を招く表現を用いているものも存在する. このような状況は最終的には医薬品を使用する患者の不利益につながるため, 第3者による製薬企業の新薬プロモーション活動の監視制度の確立が求められている. 本研究では, 我が国における製薬企業の医薬品プロモーション活動の監視制度の在り方を検討するため, すでに製薬企業の医薬品プロモーションの監視活動を行っている米国FDA (Food and Drug Administration) の取り組みを例示するとともに, 米国における医薬品広告違反の実態をFDAから発行されたwarning letterとuntitled letterを参考にして分析した. FDAでは, 疾病専門領域ごとの担当審査官を設置し, 膨大で専門的なプロモーション資材を効率良くレビューしている. また, 医局や講演会といったFDAの目が届きにくい現場でのプロモーション違反対策として, 現場の医療従事者に向け, 教育と報告窓口の両方の側面をもつBad Ad Programの制度を提供している. 米国においては, 近年電子媒体での違反が増加しており, 今後はFacebookなどのソーシャルメディアからの情報の監視が重要となる.
高橋 憲二 小島 健吾 中島 理恵 鈴木 達彦 渡邉 文之
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.22-00079, (Released:2022-07-05)

Collaborations between hospital and community pharmacists play a key role in ensuring consistent continuation of pharmacotherapy within official medical care plans designed to promote community-based healthcare. A previous study conducted by the authors clarified the constructs of collaboration between the hospital and community pharmacists from the hospital pharmacist's perspective. In this study, a similar questionnaire was used to survey a group of pharmacies with 424 outlets nationwide, and 244 responses were collected. Factor analysis from the community pharmacists’ perspective extracted five latent factors comprising 18 variables, and structural equation modeling yielded a model with a high goodness-of-fit. In the latter model, variables representing “Organizational climate” and “Basic policy on collaboration” formed the foundation of the collaboration between hospital and community pharmacists, while variables representing “Understanding of healthcare policy,” “Resources for collaboration,” and “Community support systems” represented concepts that flexibly compensated for fluctuations in medical policy. These trends were similar to those of the constructs previously indicated by hospital pharmacists. We performed multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling to confirm the impact of the inclusion of “Need for collaboration” as a dependent variable on the proposed constructs of hospital-community pharmacist collaboration using different analytical methods. Our results indicated that “Organizational climate,” “Basic policy on collaboration,” and “Community support systems” affected the “Need for collaboration”. Our findings indicate that future studies are needed to confirm and clarify the causal relationships demonstrated by the constructs of hospital-community pharmacist collaboration seen within the current study.
中島 理恵 Theera Rittirod Chernporn Navanukraw 浦丸 直人 亀井 美和子 久保田 洋子
アプライド・セラピューティクス (ISSN:18844278)
vol.17, pp.35-48, 2022 (Released:2022-03-22)

本研究では、タイ王国における慢性疾患治療薬の販売および高齢慢性疾患患者の薬物治療の問題点や薬剤師による服薬支援の実態を明らかにするため、タイ王国の病院および地域薬局薬剤師に対して調査を行った。 タイ王国の病院薬局および地域薬局薬剤師を対象にwebによるアンケート調査を実施した。回答者背景、病院薬局および地域薬局別の慢性疾患治療薬の販売状況について単純解析を行い、薬剤師による高齢慢性疾患患者の医薬品服用問題の認識、服薬支援およびポリファーマシー対策の実施の有無については薬剤師の勤務先ごとにカイ二乗検定を行った。 209人の薬剤師より回答を得た。タイ王国では、グリベンクラミド、グリピジド、メトホルミン、シンンバスタチン、アムロジピン、エナラプリル、ヒドララジン、アミロライド塩酸塩・ヒドロクロロチアジド、メトプロロール、プロプラノロール、アテノロールといった他国において医師の診断や薬剤師による指導を特に必要としている慢性疾患治療薬が半数以上の地域薬局で処方箋なしで販売されていた。また、高齢慢性疾患薬物治療の問題点についての地域薬局薬剤師の認識は病院薬剤師に比べて低く(p<0.001)、服薬支援(p<0.001)も病院薬剤師においてより積極的に取り組んでいた。 病院-地域薬局間で高齢慢性疾患患者の薬物治療の特徴や問題点を共有することが必要であることが示唆された。
中島 理恵 沼尻 拓己 渡邉 文之 亀井 美和子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.40, no.2, pp.80-86, 2021-12-10 (Released:2022-02-08)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the factor structure of the diversifying interpersonal work of pharmacists and its influential factors. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted for pharmacists registered with an internet research company. We collected data on respondents’ basic characteristics (gender and age), years of experience as a pharmacist, whether the respondents were certified as pharmacists, home-care experience, participation in study sessions and workshops, and experiences related to medication support. Factor analysis revealed three main factors from 26 items regarding pharmacists’ interpersonal work: Factor 1, “basic abilities of patient medication record management and medication counseling,” Factor 2, “clinical knowledge and assessment ability,” and Factor 3, “cooperation and support system.” Multiple regression analysis revealed a significant association between age and Factor 1 (β=−0.131, P<0.001). Home-care experience was associated with Factor 2 (β=0.076, P=0.013) and Factor 3 (β=0.115, P<0.001). Participation in study sessions and workshops were significantly associated with all the factors (Factor 1: β=0.103, P=0.001, Factor 2: β=0.247, P<0.001, Factor 3: β=0.238, P<0.001). This study clarified the factor structure of interpersonal work performed by community pharmacists. It is suggested that providing educational programs based on pharmacists’ ages and strengthening regional cooperation such as home medical care are necessary to standardize the quality of pharmacists’ interpersonal work.
藤田 優子 中島 理恵 小野寺 祐加 白神 誠
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.16, no.1, pp.23-27, 2014-05-30 (Released:2014-06-09)

Introduction: A health assessment sheet was developed to establish a new method for post marketing surveillance (PMS) for nonprescription drugs, the status of which has recently been switched from prescription (Rx) to over-the-counter (OTC) to confirm the efficacy and safety of Rx-to-OTC switched drugs.  The assessment sheet was designed to evaluate adverse reactions that may be possibly induced by the drugs and to elicit spontaneous complaints from consumers.  An investigation using the assessment sheet had been conducted earlier for famotidine tablets.  While the earlier investigation suggested the effectiveness of the assessment method, it also revealed some issues.  After making improvements in the assessment sheet, another investigation was conducted for Loxonin®S.Method: Purchasers of Loxonin®S were asked to tick symptoms that were applicable to them among those listed in the sheet.  They were asked to revisit the pharmacy and complete the sheet for the second time after drug administration.  The possibility of adverse reactions was considered for the symptoms additionally chosen at the second visit and they were then compared with the adverse reactions described in the package insert of Loxonin®S.Results: Total 284 people completed the health assessment sheet at their first and second visits.  Of them, 44 people (15.5%) reported additional symptoms at the second visit.  Commonly reported symptom was “frequent experience of sleepiness,” “persistent headaches” and “fatigability.”Conclusion: The study suggested that the health assessment sheet can be an effective tool for PMS for nonprescription drugs immediately after the Rx-to-OTC switch and contributes to detecting adverse reactions of the drugs.