山川 偉也
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.32, pp.67-150, 2005-06-15

Notifying my intention in the study of Zeno's four paradoxes to be continuedin a long series, I would like to convey my true motive. I have no interest indealing with Zeno's discourse qua "puzzle." And much less I intend to issuesome new and unexplored "solutions" of Zeno's discourses qua "puzzles."which might be appreciated only by a small circle of specialists.My original intention is to show a fact that something "invisible" lurks behindthe "visible" surface of Zeno's discourses. Zeno's "paradoxes" as "visible"strata are pregnant of the "invisible" meaning. However, the "invisible" meaningin question is not separated from its "visible" layer. The "visible" thing itselfassumes the meaning of the "invisible." Thus, the "invisible" is a secretcounterpart of the "visible."The subject-matter Zeno called into question and indeed Zeno himself hide behindthe "visible" surface qua "puzzle." Therefore, in order to excavate Zeno's"invisible" figure and bring it to light successfully, we must remove a largequantity of surface soil which has covered Zeno's true identity. Thus breakingthrough the bulky layers of "paradoxes," we have, by all means, to get to thesolid rock of Zeno's thought.Thus, in this paper `Zeno's Four Paradoxes against Motion' I shall begin toshow my provisional outlook of Zeno's paradoxes and then proceed to diggingup the first layer of Zeno's paradoxes, which a large quantity of surface soil qua"puzzles" has covered. Thus I hope that I could show you some invisible andhidden dimensions of Zeno's paradoxes, which had gone unnoticed for a longtime.