山本 俊光
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.22, no.1, pp.1_14-24, 2012-10-15 (Released:2014-03-31)
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The present study was conducted to analyze the relationship between experience of nature in childhood (preschool to elementary school) and the social nature of university students with reference to parental attitudes. The study was based on a questionnaire survey of 429 students (163 men and 264 women; 293 from residential areas and 123 from farming areas) attending five universities in May 2008. Students with much nature experience were accepted by their parents to a greater extent than those with less nature experience; in this context, nature experience included activities such as camping, hiking and climbing, growing flowers, make-believe play, playing outdoors and in mountain areas, rearing insects, etc. Such children might also have visited art museums and participated in nature observations, as well as having been taught the importance of good habits and manners. The results showed that the opinions of the parents about child education had influenced their children's nature experience. Comparison of the means of the social disposition “empathy" factor scores and the social attitude “social skill" factor scores revealed a tendency for higher scores to reflect more, rather than less, nature experience. The social nature of these children, nurtured through non-routine activities such as camping, was probably also nurtured by daily involvement with friends and family. University students showed an association between experience of nature in childhood and their social nature.