山根 美智子 渡邉 カヨ子 Yamane Michiko Watanabe Kayoko
獨協医科大学看護学部紀要 = Bulletin of Dokkyo Medical University School of Nursing (ISSN:18830005)
vol.5, no.2, pp.61-73, 2012-03-31

本研究は,看護学生への実習指導に対して看護師が抱いている思いを明らかにし,学生および指導する看護師にとってもよい環境を作るための示唆を得ることを目的とした.2つの急性期病院に勤務する看護師18名を対象に半構成面接を行い,グランデット・セオリー・アプローチで分析した. 結果,『「学生の置かれた状況の気づき」と対応改善の過程』『「満足のいく指導ができない不全感」と課題』の2つのコアカテゴリーを見出した.看護師は,看護学生の実習指導について,「知識不足による自信のなさ」や「多忙な業務の中での学生指導の負担」を感じ,同時に「学生への高い期待」を持ち,それが実際の学生の状況と解離があることで「学生の実習姿勢への不満と危惧」となる.その状況が「学生に対するきつい態度」となる.しかし,自分が学生の時の思いの想起や自分が学生だったらと学生の立場にたつことで「学生の置かれた状況の気づき」となる.その結果,学生の実習環境としての「病棟の雰囲気づくり」と学生一人一人を尊重した「指導方法の改善」をした.それは就職の希望などの「優しい対応の良い評価」になった.同時に「厳しさも必要という思い」もあり,優しさと厳しさという葛藤が生じている. 「学生の実習姿勢への不満と危惧」や教育機関の「教育方針・指導体制への不満」,「スタッフ間の意識の差」がある状況が「多忙な業務の中での学生指導の負担感」とも結びつき,「満足のいく指導ができない不全感」になっている.その解決として「指導者とスタッフの連携の必要性」「教員との連携の必要性」を感じており,それらが課題となっている.「厳しさも必要という思い」が「指導方法の改善」に向かい,「満足のいく指導ができない不全感」が解決できるよう臨床及び教育側で取り組んでいくことが課題といえる.The aim of the present study was to elucidate nurses'opinions regarding practice instruction for trainee nursing students. Semi-structured interviews were conducted on 18 nurses, and interview data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. The following two core categories of nurses' opinions were identified: "'attention to the situation students are in' and the process of improving support" and "'feeling of insufficiency at not being able to provide the best guidance possible' and related issues". The first core category was constructed as follows. Nurses felt a "lack of confidence caused by a lack of knowledge" and "the burden of guiding students amid all the other demands of work", but had" high expectations for the students". These feelings led to" dissatisfaction and misgivings regarding students'attitudes during practice". This situation in turn led to" a strict attitude vis-à-vis students". However, recalling their own thoughts when they were students led to paying "attention to the situation students are in". Consequently, they "created a ward environment" and "improved guidance methods". While this fulfilled the need for" positive evaluation through kind interaction", there was also" the idea that it is necessary to be strict". The second core category was constructed as follows. The situation of "dissatisfaction and misgivings regarding students' attitudes during practice", "dissatisfaction with the educational policies and guidance systems" and "gaps in understanding between staff" was linked to "the burden of guiding students amid all the other demands of work", and led to a "feeling of insufficiency at not being able to provide the best guidance possible". Nurses felt that the solution to this issue lies in "the need for coordination between supervisors and staff " and "the need for coordination with faculty members".