岡田 祥宏
一般社団法人 日本リスク学会
リスク学研究 (ISSN:24358428)
pp.SRA-0341, (Released:2020-11-27)

Japanese higher educational community just declared enhancement of internal control and governance system in the university management, following the government's line. In this letter, the COSO-Internal control framework, enterprise risk management, ISO31000 and university governance code of Japan are introduced. They are useful concepts for all those who are interested in risk management of universities to discuss how to clarify the risk management concept of treating genetic resources in the universities. As mentioned in ISO31000, managing risk is part of governance and leadership, and is fundamental to how the organization is managed at all levels. That's why risk management of treating genetic resources under the Nagoya Protocol should be implemented in harmony with the internal control function of universities. Finally four points for discussion are offered.