石田 康行 帖佐 悦男 矢野 浩明 山本 惠太郎 河原 勝博 田島 卓也 山口 奈美 崎濵 智美
JOSKAS (ISSN:18848842)
vol.35, pp.468-471, 2010 (Released:2011-02-10)

Partial-thickness articular-side tears of the rotator cuff were termed "partial articular surface tendon avulsion" (PASTA) by Snyder et al. Avulsion fracture of the medial aspect of the greater tuberosity in the region of the supraspinatus footprint was termed "bony PASTA lesion" by Bhatia et al. Kaspar et al. described a case of hyperabduction injury to the shoulder with fracture and extensive cavitary bone defect in the superolateral proximal humerus, caused by impression of the acromion.### We describe a case of bony PASTA lesion caused by hyperabduction injury to the shoulder. A 41-year-old male fell from a scaffold and hung from it. At that time, his left shoulder was placed in hyperabduction, causing a bony PASTA lesion. Because the displacement of the fragment was slight, he was given only conservative therapy for 7 months. He came to our hospital because motion pain and impingement in his left shoulder were not improved after 7 months. Physical examination revealed impingement sign and motion pain in his left shoulder. Radiographic examination revealed a 10 mm diameter cavitary bone defect and a small bone fragment of his injured greater tuberosity.### We diagnosed impingement syndrome caused by the small bone fragment, and performed arthroscopic operation. The bone fragment was removed, and the PASTA lesion was repaired with arthroscopic transtendon repair technique which preserved the superficial layer of the rotator cuff (arthroscopic PASTA repair). His postoperative course was good, and the preoperative symptoms disappeared.### In such cases, arthroscopic operation is best, because it is less invasive. 2004年Kasparらは肩関節過外転による肩峰と上腕骨の衝突で上腕骨近位に骨欠損と骨折を生じる症例があると報告し,2007年Bhatiaらは肩関節前方脱臼後に生じた棘上筋腱大結節付着部関節面側裂離骨折をbony PASTA lesionと称した. 今回,肩関節過外転で生じたbony PASTA lesionの症例を経験したので報告する. 症例は41歳,男性で建築作業中,足場より転落し左手でぶら下がり左肩関節過外転となり,左棘上筋腱大結節付着部関節面側裂離骨折を受傷した. 転位が軽度であったため近医にて保存的加療を行った. 左肩関節運動時痛,ひっかかり感が改善しないため受傷後7カ月で当科紹介受診となった. 画像所見上,上腕骨大結節に直径約10mmの骨欠損像と棘上筋腱大結節付着部関節面側に2×2×5mm大の小骨片を認め,小骨片による肩インピンジメント症候群と考え鏡視下手術を施行した. 小骨片は切除し,棘上筋腱関節面部分断裂を残存腱板を温存し,鏡視下に経腱板的に修復した(arthroscopic PASTA repair). 術後経過良好で術前の症状は消失した. 本例に対する鏡視下手術は鏡視による低侵襲での病変部の評価と残存組織を温存した修復が可能で最良の方法であった.