細川 敦之 宮本 勉 松野 慎介 川崎 幸子 玉井 豊理 田辺 正忠
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.100, no.9, pp.921-926, 1988

Ga-67-scintigraphy was performed on 3 patients with malignant lymphoma of the thyroid. Ga-67-accumulation was noted in the primary lesions of two patients. Ga-67-accumulation was seen in an inflammatory lesion, which was not the primary lesion, in the other patient. One of the patients, who was a 48 year-old woman with primary malignant lymphoma of the thyroid, had metastases in the mediastinum, neck and axillar region. The metastases were clearly detected by T1-201 imaging, but Ga-67 did not accumulate in the metastatic foci. It seems that T1-201 is superior to Ga-67 in defining a primary malignant lymphoma of the thyroid.甲状腺原発の悪性リンパ腫は比較的稀な疾患であるが,甲状腺に腫瘤を触知する時には常に鑑別を要する疾患である.私共は3例の甲状腺原発の悪性リンパ腫を経験し,治療前の3例すべてに(67)Ga-citrate似下(67)Gaと略す)シンチグラフィーを施行し,そのうち1例には(201)Tl-chloride(以下(201)Tlと略す)シンチグラフィーを合せ行ない,病巣の進展の描出に(201)Tlが(67)Gaに比べて優れていたので若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.