川本 盛四郎
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.25, no.4-6, pp.68-74, 1949-11-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

I investigated the form, the speed of Capillary stream, the changes of subpapillar venous plexus, and the pigmentation of the basilar part in Sulcus subungualis on left ring finger.I measured the width and the lengh of Capillary by ocular Micrometer, Adrenalin was used locally as a solution of 1: 2000 or 1: 5000 Adrenalin Glycerin, and subcutaneously as 0.1cc of 1: 1000 HCl-Adrenalin per kilo-gram body weight, The result was as follows.By the treatment of adrenalin, venous and arterial capillaries of skin contracted, the speed of blood stream became slow and the pigmentation of basilar part became lighter. These changes were proportional to concentration of adrenalin, and were stronger in subcutaneous application than in local application.The reaction of adrenalin was stronger in man than in woman.