平林 由紀子 藤田 雄介 吉永 智明 北原 義典
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.18, no.4, pp.425-434, 2016-11-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

With the objective of developing a persuasive voice-interaction system for making presentations to large groups, we analyzed the nonverbal characteristics, especially the prosody and face motion, of 35 Japanese speakers and used the results to model the persuasive prosody and face motion for the system. In regards to prosody, the maximum and average voice pitches of the persuasive speakers were high and the dynamic range of the persuasive speakers' voice pitches was wide. Additionally, the maximum and average lengths of silent pauses of the persuasive speakers were long and the dynamic range of silent pause lengths of the persuasive speakers was wide. In regards to face motion, we found that the persuasive speakers mainly moved their faces from side to side and sparingly moved their faces during utterances. We have reproduced these nonverbal characteristics of prosody and face motion by synthesized voice and computer-generated (CG) animation and confirmed that these characteristics enhanced speakers' persuasiveness.