西山 卯三 広原 盛明
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.114, pp.37-42, 1965-08-30

The warrior's manner originated in keeping away from unnecessary battles. But in the Middle Ages, above all the aristcratic Muromachi Period, the essence of behaivior comes to show the social status in the feudalistic hierarchy. The social standing is pointed out with changing the dimenisons and heights of space where someone occupies, according to one's social rank. To the end of the Middle Ages, a new manner, union of original style and Muromachi style, comes to the world among the local groups warriors who break down Muromachi Shogunate. The principle of behavior in a new manner, is to change the behavior style in the public space (guest room) and private space (living room). That is, in the public space, feudalistic order is severely obeyed, but in the private space friendly behavior is relatively permitted. Because, the friendly behavior in the public space is regarded as the military disorder by their enemies.