日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.73, pp.1-6, 1962-06-30

This paper deals with the mechanism of the Strong Earthquake Response Analysis Computer specially designed to obtain the linear and non-linear response of structures subjected to actual earthquakes of various intensity. The Strong Earthquake Response Analysis Computer (SERAC) is the Direct Current (Slow type) Analog Computer which can calculate the earthquake response of one to five mass-spring system (shear type) having linear and non-linear restoring force. Force-displacement relation in earch story spring has the hysteresis characteristics simulating the yielding of structural members. Kinds of response which can be obtained by SERAC are as follows: Relative displacement in earch story. Shear in earch story. Relative velocity in each story. Absolute acceleration of each floor. Yield excursion of each story. Overturning moment, etc. As an example, the response of two mass system subjected to El Centre earthquake (1940. NS. maximum acceleration 0.33g) is shown in the figure.