竹端 佑介 後和 美朝
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies (ISSN:09153586)
vol.35, no.1, pp.59-71, 2021-10-31

In this era of rapid globalization, the use of smartphones and socialnetworking services has triggered various forms of stress in young people,which could have a negative impact on their physical and mental health. This study seeks to provide educational support for the health of universitystudents, by examining the potential of deep breathing for stress management,which can be easily performed by anyone during university lectures. The subjects included 12 third-year university students(4 males and 8females; mean age 20.3±0.45 years). The lecture content was not structuredfor stress management education. Deep breathing was performed during 14 lectures, from the 2nd to the 15thclass. Subsequently, in the 2nd, 7th and 15th lectures, a questionnaire wasconducted to evaluate mood before and after deep breathing, using the TwodimensionalMood Scale Short Term(TDMS-ST). The subjects were also askedto freely express their ‘current mood and feelings’. Consequently, the study found that deep breathing promoted subjectivemood effect in participants, especially a pleasant mood effect, and increasedrelaxation. Conversely, there was no change in unpleasant moods before andafter deep breathing, suggesting that a few minutes of deep breathing had nosignificant effect on unpleasant moods. These results suggest that deep breathing can serve as an effective way toincrease pleasant moods in university students, and can be considered as one ofthe most effective techniques for addressing the various forms of stress thatstudents face.