志賀 英雄
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1960, no.3, pp.19-32, 1960 (Released:2009-09-04)

My essay concerns the meaning which Goeth's Faust has for specialists in educational fields. This work of Goethe is certainly one of those books which anyone with a reflective interest in the formation of his own humanity must be familiar with. The reason for this is that Goethe, with his perceptive and prophetic intuition and reflection, presented in symbolic language to the human race that many-faceted idea of the universe and that truth about human nature which only a genius was able to reach. Tne basis of the reputation of Goethe as the “prophet of the new humanity” and of Faust as the “bible of humanity” would seem to lie in the humanistic truth threaded together by the lofty, active idealism revealed in Faust. With this insight to guide me, I have, tried to interpert Faust from the viewpoint of educational philosophy. I cannot help but think that those who have been able to reach some depth in their understanding of Faust are much closer to educational truth than those who are unfamiliar with the work.