土橋 将弘 施 勤忠 安藤 成将 斎藤 幹雄
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2007, no.5, pp.351-352, 2007-09-07

In spacecraft system acoustic tests, local sound pressure level increse in the narrow gap between spacecraft primal structure and solar array is generated. This phenomenon is similar to fill effect, which has been recognized since 1990's, that sound pressure level of an interior fairing after filled spacecraft will increase up to 5-10dB compared to an empty fairing particularly at narrow gap between the wall of the failing and the spacecraft exterior. This paper shows investigation results of vibraiton response of spacecraft due to local sound pressure level increase. It shows simulation and experiment results with local sound pressure level increase and without local sound pressure level increase.