有村 直輝
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.20, pp.29-42, 2020 (Released:2021-11-20)

This study highlights the development of A. N. Whitehead’s metaphysics in 1924 1925 and its relationship with aesthetic value . First, based on the passage Science and Modern World , I characterize Whitehead’s philosophical challenge as a double attempt. The first is to construct metaphysics that can describe “the texture of realisation.” The second is to interweave “aesthetic value” into such a texture. I then read lecture notes con tained in Volume 1 of The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Complete Works of Alfred North Whitehead and demonstrate how Whitehead tackled the aforementioned problem by considering his interpretations of other philosophers (i.e., Bacon, Aristotle, and Alex ander). Finally, I emphasize several characters according to his perspectives of metaphysics and aesthetics. According to Whitehead, concrete entities have to select certain elements and exclude opposite elements for the compositions to realize themselves. In addition, his discussion within this period suggests that this limitation of entities is also the basis for their aesthetic value.
有村 直輝
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.19, pp.47-60, 2019 (Released:2020-12-28)

In 2017, Volume 1 of The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Complete Works of Alfred North Whitehead was published. This volume includes students’ notes on Whitehead’s lectures at Harvard University from 1924 to 1925, which is valuable material for understanding his philosophical development. In the lectures, Whitehead sometimes mentions logic, which was his earlier major. How did he understand logic at this later period? How did logic relate to his metaphysics? This paper attempts to answer these questions. First, I examine how Whitehead constructed his metaphysics and the relationship of this design to logic. In the Harvard lectures, Whitehead was attempting to construct a metaphysical system in which becoming is compatible with the eternal, and in which he felt the need to include logic. Second, I clarify the definition of logic as it is given in his lectures. Whitehead used some unusual terms (“Shadow of Truth,” “formulation,” “the how”) to explain the essence of logic. I explain what these terms mean, thereby elucidating his definition of logic. Finally, I conclude that in Whitehead’s metaphysics, logic is the science that attends to the point where becoming meets the eternal. From 1924 to 1925, logic was essential to his metaphysics, since it was concerned with both the aspects that Whitehead attempted to sustain in his philosophy.