槇野 沙央理
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.21, pp.34-52, 2021 (Released:2022-04-16)

ホワイトヘッドの哲学は、極めてユニークな言葉使いを駆使することで知られている。他方、ウィトゲンシュタインは、「日常言語」を尊重するよう促す哲学者として知られている。ここから私たちは、前者が、日常言語からの逸脱を、後者が、日常言語への回帰を目指すという対比を見出したくなる。本論は、この一見するともっともらしく見える対比を見直すため、後期ウィトゲンシュタイン哲学における「日常言語」とはどのようなことかを考察したい。簡単に言えば、後期ウィトゲンシュタイン哲学における「日常言語」とは、内部からラディカルな存在の声に よって脅かされる動的なものである。もし私たちテクストの読者が、日常言語にラディカルな声を聴き取る方法を身につけることができれば、一見すると自明な仕方で意味が与えられているように見える場合にさえそこにその都度の意味生成のプロセスがあることを見て取れるようになる。ここに、ウィトゲンシュタイン哲学が日常言語を尊重しかつ創造的な思考を行うよう促すと言える契機がある。こうした本論の考察により、ホワイトヘッドの読み手が、日常言語と創造的な思考との関係について捉え直すきっかけとなることが期待される。
飯盛 元章 森山 徹
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.22, pp.64-80, 2022 (Released:2023-04-09)

The behavioral inhibition network is a conceptual model that combines a mechanism for inhibiting extraneous behavior so that animals can maintain behavior appropriate to their environment, and the other one for suddenly releasing that inhibition and producing unexpected behavior. This model was developed from efforts to reconsider the animal mind not only as a source of mental function, but also as a source of otherness. Originally conceived as a mechanism by which the mind produces otherness, the model has points of contact with Whitehead's philosophy of the organism. The first is that extraneous behaviors hide inside the animal by inhibiting each other, so that behaviors appropriate to the environment are maintained. This function of inhibition is related to the 'negative prehension' in the philosophy of the organism. The second is that unexpected behavior is produced. Unexpected behavior is positioned as extraneous behavior in contrast to environmentally appropriate behavior. On the other hand, in an unknown environment, where it is impossible to choose a suitable behavior from an existing behavioral repertoire, unexpected behavior is positioned as an emergent behavior to help the animal cope for the time being. The emergence of such unexpected behavior is associated with 'novelty' in the philosophy of organisms. This paper considers the significance of the behavioral inhibition network model for the philosophy of organisms. Section 1 explains how this network works, using the example of an experiment leading to unexpected behavior in a familiar animal, the pill bug. Section 2 considers the the relationship between this model and Whitehead’s philosophy of organism.
上田 有輝
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.22, pp.81-113, 2022 (Released:2023-04-09)

The recent publication of A. N. Whitehead’s Harvard Lectures has turned scholars’ attention to the important role the concept of “evolution” may have played in the formation of his cosmology . Following this discovery, this paper aims to identify a “philosophy of evolution” as a general study on the modes of becoming of various types of entities, which underlies his well-known “philosophy of organism.” In light of his emphasis on change over stability, the paper argues that the concept of evolution in Whitehead’s system points to the way in which the various orders of nature co-become from the chaotic flux of events as emergent “values,” forming what he calls “societies.” Although this idea clearly differs from the nineteenth century theories of social evolution, the paper further suggests that Whitehead’s incorporation of a theory of value realization into the concept of evolution nevertheless ends up putting the latter in an ambiguous position in relation to the idea of progress. Finally, the paper considers the implications of the “philosophy of evolution” for the question of philosophical method. A close reading of the 1936 discussion between Whitehead and John Dewey shows how Whitehead ’s notion of “aesthetic enjoyment” corresponds with Dewey’s idea of “enrichment of life,” both of which are inseparable from their respective philosophical responses to the evolutionary worldview.
村田 康常
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.20, pp.80-97, 2020 (Released:2021-11-20)

This paper aims to construe that which Whitehead’s cosmology describes as a playful universe, while he scarcely uses the word “play” (rare exceptions appear in the first chapter of Process and Reality (Whitehead, 1929a/1978, p. 5)). I discuss the idea of “play” in his cosmology as a function of the “imagination” of speculative reason that emerges from immediate experience. By virtue of imagination, which leaps beyond the determinations of our immediate experience to envisage unlimited possibilities, the world we experience instantly turns into a creative and meaningful world, where novel and unexperienced values are constantly realized and are perpetually perishing. The function of reason is to activate this creative leap of imagination in a coherent fash ion. Whitehead notes that the transboundary leap of imagination is an essential aspect of speculative philosophy. He also emphasizes that the “play” of free imagination is a method in speculative philosophy (Whitehead, 1929a/1978, p. 5). Imagination lies at t he heart of this “play.” The transboundary leap of imagination activates “play” and prompts it to transcend logical consistency to unrestricted freedom. He explores the concrete aspects of reality by means of the method of the playful imagination, which introduces us to a playful freedom from causal determinations and logical necessity. We can say that this actual world, including 81 ourselves, becomes meaningful by virtue of imagination, which ourselves, becomes meaningful by virtue of imagination, which retains the vividness of immediate experience, while retains the vividness of immediate experience, while transcenditranscending the eterminations of the stubborn facts of ng the determinations of the stubborn facts of concrete experience. Through such an imaginative leap, our concrete experience. Through such an imaginative leap, our actual world is revealed as being meaningful.actual world is revealed as being meaningful.
浦井 憲
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.21, pp.71-85, 2021 (Released:2022-04-16)

「社会科学」の「方法」ということを通じて、より広い意味での「学問の方法」ということ(あるいは「哲学」ということ)を再度「問い 」直す、そのような「運動」としての Realism for Social SciencesRFSS につい て、ここで改めて提起する。それは、学問の方法として、(真の)リアリティを紐帯とし、認識論と存在論の対峙を超えてそれらを補完的な「社会(認識の)」存在論として再構築するような立場、「認識」に先立つ「経験」ということに幾許かの特権を認めようとする立場等を包摂した、「知」的実存、「 学問スル」ことで「わたし」という主体が「生きる仕方のプロトコル(塩谷賢氏)」である。)
守永 直幹
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.19, pp.128-143, 2019 (Released:2020-12-28)

In principle, a proposition is symbolized as words and images in the system of subject-predicate relation. Whitehead propositional theory asks what is the presentational immediacy and how the foundation of consciousness is established by this symbolism. The presentational immediacy is based on the causal efficacy, that is associated with it in a subjective form. There is a role of symbolic reference to be involved in the process and to create the productive image. According to the flow led by the causal efficacy, the presentational immediacy is formed as image. In the process of symbolism, the pure potentiality (the eternal objects contained therein) is transformed into the propositions. A public-private alternative takes place and an idea of responsibility arises. It is imagination that is operating strongly behind it. The pure potentiality by itself never falls into time, and as such is 'pure'. If it become realized, converted to impure, it turns into the real potentiality and finally into the actual entities. From the point of view of the present, the pure potentiality can not be positioned at all and stays the unpredictable. The pure potentials do not exist in the present time, and thus the eternal objects are waiting in the future. Future is an unknown potential, and that is the horizon which the concept of pure potentiality looks forward to.
岸本 智典
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.19, pp.144-158, 2019 (Released:2020-12-28)

After the turn of the century from the late 19th century to the twentieth century, so-called progressive education had already become mainstream in the US educational circles in the 1930s. At that time, progressive education was criticized from various standpoints such as Essentialism represented by William C. Bagley and Perennialism represented by Robert M. Hutchins and Mortimer J. Adler. Among the criticisms, there was one from a position that agreed with the theory of philosophical new realism. In this paper, I will take Frederick S. Breed as a representative of such a position. He interpreted the new realist arguments including that of Ralph B. Perry, and reconstructed them in a way that conformed to his view of education. By focusing on his argument, particularly on how to defend the subject-matter curriculum against the project-type curriculum that is characteristic of progressive education, this paper will consider and estimate the extent that new realism functioned in the educational thought.