朝比奈 貞一
日本時計学会誌 (ISSN:00290416)
no.68, pp.32-46, 1973-12-25

His Imperial Highness the Prince Takamatsu is a brother to the Present Emperor of Japan. The Prince has a collection of timepieces which is not very large, but each is very excellent as an antique. The Prince is not a positive collector and he seems to have inherited it as his ancestors' fortune. In his collection the writer found a stackfreed watch, the first discovery in Japan. Though the movement together with the dial and hand underwent reconstruction, the original watch seems to have been made in the 16th century or so. One more timepiece can be added to the existence of the oldest timepiece-the clock now kept at Kunozan Toshogu in Shizuoka City made in 1581 in Madrid and once owned by Iyeyasu Tokugawa.