太田 仲郎 谷川 緑野 坪井 俊之 野田 公寿茂 宮崎 貴則 木下 由宇 松川 東俊 榊原 史啓 齊藤 寛浩 上山 博康 徳田 禎久
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.45, no.6, pp.425-431, 2017 (Released:2017-12-22)
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Introduction: Although improvements in endovascular treatment have decreased the frequency of bypass surgery, cerebral vascular reconstructions are still important. Many critical points are required to achieve a reliable bypass patency. We describe our experience and techniques for bypass surgery, especially focusing on the superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery (STA-MCA) bypass.Materials and methods: Over a period of 5 years, STA-MCA bypass was performed for 42 patients with atherosclerotic internal carotid artery or middle cerebral artery occlusion, or hemodynamic ischemia; 35 patients with moyamoya disease; and 97 patients with complex cerebral aneurysms. Mean occlusion time, bypass patency, hyperperfusion, ischemic complication, and postoperative delayed wound healing were assessed.Results: Within 42 ischemic cases, the mean occlusion time of the STA-MCA procedure was 20 minutes 16 seconds. No ischemic complications due to temporal occlusion occurred. Acute bypass occlusion (occlusion within 2 weeks after operation) occurred in 1 case of STA-MCA for moyamoya disease and 1 case of STA-MCA bypass for a patient with ischemic occlusion. Perioperative ischemic stroke was observed in 4 patients with ischemic occlusion and 1 patient with moyamoya disease.Conclusion: To perform a safe and reliable vascular reconstruction, off-the-job training, a bloodless operative field, selection of an appropriate donor and recipient artery, use of the “fish mouth” method for trimming the donor artery, and an intima-to-intima everting suture are necessary.
野田 公寿茂 谷川 緑野 太田 仲郎 小田 淳平 原口 健一 木下 由宇 宮崎 貴則 近藤 智正 渡邉 定克 上山 博康
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.30, no.1, pp.65-68, 2021 (Released:2021-01-25)

脳神経外科疾患に対する治療手段の多様化などにより, 開頭術者は限られた症例で効率的に手術手技を学ぶ必要性が高まっている. さらに, “働き方改革” など社会情勢が変化する中, 外科医にとっても時間生産性向上が求められている. デジタルイラストレーションの特徴を踏まえ, 筆者らが行ってきた時間生産性, 教育効率性向上を目指した手術イラストを用いた手術教育について報告する.