木村 公勅
千葉商大論叢 (ISSN:03854558)
vol.43, no.3, pp.139-155, 2006-03-31

We are living in the information age now. In this age, public sectors are required the sence of the management. That is called "New public management." But that is not the all. We are living in the society that each of the stakeholder supports. In this age, we must investigate the new system that will support public welfare. That system will be supported by information technology and digital network. At the digital network, we can communicate at once, and except the three dimentions. With this advantage, we must argue about the new system that will support public welfare. In recent years, we argue only about the sense of "mass-marketing". But now, we have to give this problem more careful consideration with the sense of social marketing, and relationship marketing. By this marketing sense, the society will be supported from now on. The system of "electrical meeting", the chat in the web page, is hoped. It is important that we will make spaces that we can gather on, and discuss about local problem in, and put to practical use. Political party are required the function that can have an effect to the policy making process, and can be of use for the citizens.