本間 幸治
日本鳥学会誌 (ISSN:0913400X)
vol.66, no.1, pp.35-40, 2017 (Released:2017-05-13)

都市部の農園において,その水浴び,砂浴びの順の傾向を調べる目的で,スズメPasser montanus を観察した.スズメの水浴びと砂浴びが連続して行われたケースでは,2014年には19件中の18件,2015年には28件中の24件において水浴びは砂浴びの前に行われていた.同様に,神奈川県内の既往の観察記録においては,水浴びと砂浴びが連続して行われた9件の記録の内,7件で水浴びが先に,砂浴びが後に行われていた.水浴び後に体を乾燥させること等がこの水浴び・砂浴びの順の傾向の理由と推測されるが,引き続き観察が必要である.
本間 幸治 青野 靖之 小元 敬男
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.51, no.4, pp.321-327, 1995-12-10 (Released:2010-02-25)

The relationship between temperature and the southern limits of temperate deciduous trees in Japan is discussed by using two indexes of temperature. One is the mean temperature of the warmest month to represent summer condition, and another is the chilling hours (accumulated hours below 7.2°C (45°F)) for winter. Eight species of deciduous trees (Zelkova serrata, Fagus crenata, Aesculus turbinata, Pterocarya rhoifolia, Betula ermanii, Quercus mongolica, Ulmus davidiana and Acer mono) were chosen for this purpose. It appeared that the chilling hours are effective in determining the southern limit of Zelkova serrata, suggesting at least thermal condition in winter is important in the warm side distribution for this species. For other species, the case in which winter condition may affect southern limits is found in the coastal areas and the relatively low latitude region of Japanese mainland.The impact of global warming on the potential probability of occurence for Fagus crenata in Osaka Prefecture and its vicinity is also examined. For a 1.5°C mean temperature rise, the potential probability becomes 0.02-0.21 from the present 0.13-0.68 in Mt. Izumi-Katsuragi and Mt. Koya area, and 0.24-0.70 from 0.65-0.76 in Mt. Kongo. For a 3.0°C rise, the probability decreases to 0.04-0.34 in Mt. Kongo. In the other two areas, it will become almost 0 suggesting the climatic condition becomes too warm for the occurence of this species.