村元 沙千子
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1986, no.53, pp.76-89, 1986-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the meaning of Jaspers' concept of communication (Kommunikation) in terms of pedagogy.To clarify this problem it is both necessary and helpful to re-examine the structure of the place originally given to Jaspers in the field of pedagogy, -in short the place of 'existentialist pedagogy'. Research in which it is attempted to interpret the meaning of Jaspers' concept of communication by confronting it with existentialism has been published in G. Iberer doctoral dissertation (1970).Hence, this paper takes the approach (1) to clarify the structure of the concept of communication from Jaspers' own arguments, (2) after investigating its meaning and limitations by consulting as antecedent research Iberer theories, (3) to search which viewpoint ultimately Jaspers' concept of communication adds to pedagogy and what sort of contribution it makes to the same.