松川 敏道
札幌学院大学総合研究所 = Research Institute of Sapporo Gakuin University
札幌学院大学総合研究所紀要 = Proceedings of the Research institute of Sapporo Gakuin University (ISSN:21884897)
vol.9, pp.35-40, 2022-03-20

身体介助を必要とする障害のある学生にとって,介助は教育を受けるうえで不可欠の要素である.本稿では,大学内での介助と合理的配慮をめぐる全国の動向を概観するとともに,この過程で新設された「重度訪問介護利用者の大学修学支援事業」に対する本学の対応と課題について検討した.そして,障害のある学生の「教育を受ける権利」が,身体介助の制約によって侵害されてはならないことを指摘した. Physical assistance is one of the essential elements for collage students with disabilities in order for them to receive collage education without difficulties. In this report, we as a university thoroughly reviewed the national trend with regard to reasonable accommodation and physical assistance provided to students with disabilities on collage and university campuses throughout Japan and examined as to how to utilize the newly-established system for the above-mentioned matter and how to deal with the issues that arise in the new system. In conclusion, we pointed out that “the right to receive collage education” guaranteed to collage students with disabilities should never be infringed in any ways.