松枝 秀如
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.46, pp.63-71, 2007 (Released:2013-06-11)

Radio frequency identification (RF-ID) tag has very wide applications for the management and tracing systems, e. g. production controls, documents, airline carry-on baggage, apparel, books, authenticity, library and foods. In the near future, the RF-ID tags will be adopted for not only closed but also open systems. It is expected that 1.8 billion tags will be marketed in 2010 in Japan. At this stage, only 7% of 310 companies have introduced the RF-ID systems although 92% of them have much interest in this system, judging from the results of a questionnaire to potential users. There are several problems for cost, infrastructure, standardization, related software and security. Both the further R & D of RF-ID tags and the maturing of social circumstances are strongly required; however there are bright prospects for the future market.