吉野 彰
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.54, pp.9-13, 2015 (Released:2016-04-15)

Four main constituent materials of the lithium ion batteries are positive electrode materials, negative electrode materials, electrolytes, and separators. I will introduce the basic functions of the separators, current separator materials, and the development trend of the next generation of separators.
矢野 浩之
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.49, pp.15-20, 2010 (Released:2012-12-10)

The plant cell wall consists of cellulose nanofibers or cellulose microfibril bundles. Since nanofibers are tight bundles of semi-crystalline extended cellulose chains, their thermal expansion is as low as that of quartz, while their strength is five times that of steel. However, the industrial utilization of nanofibers has been limited despite their being the most abundant biomass resource on the earth. Recently, due to the risk of depletion of oil reserves and global environmental concerns, the effective extraction of cellulose nanofibers and their utilizations have gained increasing attention. This review summarizes the research works on the production of nanofibers from plant resources and their application to design polymer composites.
塚本 康浩
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.48, pp.3-5, 2009 (Released:2013-01-07)

Birds have an immune system to protect chicks by concentrating blood-contained antibodies into yolks, making it possible to produce good-quality antibodies. As an ostrich egg is 25 to 30 times heavier than a hen egg, massive antibody refinement is possible. We have developed a technique to produce a large amount of antibodies for infectious diseases and cancer from ostrich yolks. Compared with the use of a rabbit, an amount of antibodies 800 times greater can be produced. Initially, we produced antibodies against various strains of influenza viruses including H5N1 and A/H1N1. They have been incorporated into face masks and air-conditioners on the market. Massive demand from medical institutions and local govemments is expected as part of their preparations to deal with a potential pandemic of a mutated strain of flu. We will also try to develop antibodies against other infectious diseases and cancer, produce examination kits and apply antibodies to curative drugs. With an antibody from one ostrich egg, 80,000 face masks and reagents for more than 20,000 people can be produced.
市 浦 英 明
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.50, pp.29-34, 2011-03-31 (Released:2012-10-01)

In this report, a nonwoven polyethylene sheet was functionalized with a designed alginate film that can alter the odor properties, in response to the surrounding conditions, from good fragrance such as geraniol to stimulating smell like gaseous acetic acid. As-prepared sheets act as a sensor to provide an alert signal, in the case of acetic acid being generated in response to acid. This intelligent alginate polymer film composed of sodium alginate (Na-Alg), geraniol and sodium acetic acid (CH3COONa) was prepared directly on the nonwoven polyethylene sheet. Optimal conditions for the alginate film preparation were 0.75% or 1.0% Na-Alg solution containing 10%(w/v) CH3COONa. Acetic acid(approximately 3.58 ppm) could be released from the sheet on which 0.3 ml of 1.0 M hydrochloric acid was dropped. We successfully prepared a functional sheet, which can drastically change the odor properties from geraniol to gaseous acetic acid in response to acid.
檜垣 誠吾
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.48, pp.37-40, 2009 (Released:2013-01-07)

In April 2009, an outbreak of new influenza (type A; H1N1) happened in Mexico, and more than 4100 people died on October in the world, including 50 in Japan. Hence, in the prevailing period, face masks were not enough in the absolute quantity because of too much demand, while skin disturbance frequently occurred due to use in summer. This paper has reported the excellent performances of new face mask, being marketed under the brand name of “Aller-catcher@" from Daiwabo Neu Co.,Ltd. This novel mask is a 4 layered spunlace nonwoven fabric composed of rayon fibers stained with iron phthalocyanine.
塚本 康浩
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.48, pp.3-5, 2009

Birds have an immune system to protect chicks by concentrating blood-contained antibodies into yolks, making it possible to produce good-quality antibodies. As an ostrich egg is 25 to 30 times heavier than a hen egg, massive antibody refinement is possible. We have developed a technique to produce a large amount of antibodies for infectious diseases and cancer from ostrich yolks. Compared with the use of a rabbit, an amount of antibodies 800 times greater can be produced. Initially, we produced antibodies against various strains of influenza viruses including H5N1 and A/H1N1. They have been incorporated into face masks and air-conditioners on the market. Massive demand from medical institutions and local govemments is expected as part of their preparations to deal with a potential pandemic of a mutated strain of flu. We will also try to develop antibodies against other infectious diseases and cancer, produce examination kits and apply antibodies to curative drugs. With an antibody from one ostrich egg, 80,000 face masks and reagents for more than 20,000 people can be produced.
山 本 裕 史
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.50, pp.35-41, 2011-03-31 (Released:2012-10-01)

Effluent management systems have long been rationalized based on individual chemical compounds in Japan.However, such systems essentially hold difficult problems for the management of hazardous influences of new chemicals and their mixtures. In the fiscal year of 2009, Ministry of the Environment, Japan has started the discussion on the implementation of whole effluent toxicity systems that have already been popular in USA, Korea and other countries. We have conducted some preliminary bio-assays to examine the effluents from several industries including paper mills in Tokushima prefecture using short-term chronic tests adopted in USA. The short-term chronic bio-assays using three organisms such as fish, daphnia and algae could detect significant toxicity in the effluents with a wide range of spectra with high sensitivity. These results provide information much differing from conventional chemical analysis and are directly related to the protection of ecosystems in the receiving water areas.
所 のぞみ 小野 嘉則
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.55, pp.57-61, 2017-03-31 (Released:2017-10-04)

The important role of corrugated packaging is to safely deliver products from manufacturers to consumers, while maintaining the quality of the product without damaging it. However, the mechanical function corrugated board offered may not be sufficient in terms of protection depending on products. Therefore, the demand for functional corrugated board with special features has increased, which made manufacturers work diligently to develop functional packages for a wide range of uses of corrugated board. In this paper, the development and application examples of recyclable functional corrugated board are introduced.
野 谷 昌 平
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.50, pp.53-56, 2011

Stone paper is a brand-new material made in Taiwan, and being marketed under a brand name "Keeplus" in Japan. This high performance paper is prepared by the film processing of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from limestone with high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The content of CaCO3 ranges from 56 to 80% according to the product grades. Both CaCO3and HDPE are very familiar in our daily life. This material is placed on sale in major advanced nations such as Japan, United States of America, England, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada and China. The production of stone paper is not concerned in wood cutting, water consumption and other chemicals such as dyes and bleaching agents in the manufacture process, resulting in less environmental influences. Especially, environmentally-friendly companies have used the stone papers both in domestic and overseas territories. In the future, high resistance to water and rupture strength of the stone paper would become fit for various purposes in use.
野 谷 昌 平
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.50, pp.53-56, 2011-03-31 (Released:2012-10-01)

Stone paper is a brand-new material made in Taiwan, and being marketed under a brand name "Keeplus" in Japan. This high performance paper is prepared by the film processing of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from limestone with high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The content of CaCO3 ranges from 56 to 80% according to the product grades. Both CaCO3and HDPE are very familiar in our daily life. This material is placed on sale in major advanced nations such as Japan, United States of America, England, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada and China. The production of stone paper is not concerned in wood cutting, water consumption and other chemicals such as dyes and bleaching agents in the manufacture process, resulting in less environmental influences. Especially, environmentally-friendly companies have used the stone papers both in domestic and overseas territories. In the future, high resistance to water and rupture strength of the stone paper would become fit for various purposes in use.
東口 文治 三瓶 春代 寺田 喜信 鷹羽 武史 高久 三枝子 徳田 宏 田口 充 山口 秀幸 海宝 龍夫
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.50, pp.23-27, 2011-03-31 (Released:2012-10-01)

Amylose, a linear α-1,4 glucan, is expected as one of functional biomaterials in various industries. However, manufacturing of pure amylose has not been achieved due to an extreme difficulty in the purification of amylose from starch. In recent years, we have successfully developed the novel method to completely synthesize amylose using enzymes. Amylose forms a helical structure, in which various organic and inorganic substances can be contained as a guest molecule, resulting in the drastic changes in the physicochemical properties of the guest matters. The unique functions of amylose have been used in a powder form or at a solution state, which frequently set limit to the applications. Herein, we have developed amylase/cellulose composite fiber, AMYCEL®, to overcome such limitation. In this paper, we report three functions of AMYCEL. The first function is to capture and remove unfavorable compounds. AMYCEL can eliminate the body odor substances such as pelargonic and free fatty acids on the human skin. The second function is the stabilization of unstable molecules. AMYCEL can stably include iodine easy to sublimate, leading to the strong anti-microbial and anti-viral activities. The final function is a slow release of trapped guest molecules. AMYCEL can stably hold menthol at 50%RH and 100°C. With elevated relative humidity and temperature, menthol included inside AMYCEL is gradually released. The releasing speed can be controlled by relative humidity and temperature. A variety of guest molecules can tailor the physicochemical functions of AMYCEL.
汲田 英之 酒井 秀樹
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.51, pp.9-12, 2012

Biobattery is a next-generation energy device which generates electricity using the renewable fuels such as cellulose or starch by applying a biological energy conversion system. We have developed the multi-stacked cell of the passive-type biobattery units, and achieved a maximum power density of 5 mW/cm<sup>3</sup> at 0.5 V. This biobattery successfully operated some small actual devices. In this paper, we introduce the demonstration to generate electricity using the glucose derived from the decomposition of waste paper.
大谷 慶人
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.52, pp.1, 2013

第52回機能紙研究会は,『機能紙,イノベーションの創出へ向けて』をメインテーマに,10月24日,25日の両日で研究発表・講演会等を徳島市で開催しました。当日は台風27号の接近で悪天候にもかかわらず,255名の参加者を迎えることができました。 特別講演には阿波製紙株式会社の三木社長に「紙の可能性を追求して」と,東工大の芹澤教授に「加水分解触媒としてのセルロースナノファイバー」との題で,2件のご講演をお願いしました。 加えて,7件の一般講演では新しい素材や製品など,時宜を得た商品開発状況をメインテーマに相応しい精鋭の講師より,発表いただきました。 昨年の研究発表・講演会より研究発表・講演会と並行して開催している新製品展示会を充実させました。 ポスターによる研究発表を併設し,講演会の席で,出展者からの概要PRをお願いするとともに,コーヒーブレイクと名刺交換の時間を設けました。 25日の見学会は,日清紡グループの徳島事業所と徳島大学とくしま地域産学官共同研究拠点を見学しました。日清紡グループではエレクトロニクス・ケミカル・メカトロニクスの技術を融合したスマートファクトリー,自然エネルギー活用の植物工場等を見学し,徳島大学では,産・学・官連携で徳島県の地域企業力の向上と経済の活性化を目指して進められている活動とその施設を見学しました。見学を快くお引き受けして頂いた両機関には感謝申し上げます。 本会も52回を数え,半世紀以上となりました。研究発表会の方法につきましてはできるところから改善を進めていますが,参加者には更にご満足いただけるように,現在,企画委員会,三役会,理事会において更なる改善を進めようとしています。近々,会員の皆様にもご意見を伺う予定にしております。その節は,どうかご協力いただけますようお願い致します。 今回は,講演会の挨拶に30分頂きましたので,少し長めにお話をさせていただきました。主な話の内容は先月末に高松で開催された革新的先進複合材料活用国際フォーラムの内容についてその一部を簡単にご紹介しました。この内容については後段の「機能紙の展望」に載せていますので,ご覧下さい。
松枝 秀如
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.46, pp.63-71, 2007 (Released:2013-06-11)

Radio frequency identification (RF-ID) tag has very wide applications for the management and tracing systems, e. g. production controls, documents, airline carry-on baggage, apparel, books, authenticity, library and foods. In the near future, the RF-ID tags will be adopted for not only closed but also open systems. It is expected that 1.8 billion tags will be marketed in 2010 in Japan. At this stage, only 7% of 310 companies have introduced the RF-ID systems although 92% of them have much interest in this system, judging from the results of a questionnaire to potential users. There are several problems for cost, infrastructure, standardization, related software and security. Both the further R & D of RF-ID tags and the maturing of social circumstances are strongly required; however there are bright prospects for the future market.
根本 純司 齋藤 継之 磯貝 明
特定非営利活動法人 機能紙研究会
機能紙研究会誌 (ISSN:02885867)
vol.50, pp.47-51, 2011-03-31 (Released:2012-10-01)

Porous network structures composed of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers(TOCNs) were successfully built up by a simple drying technique in air or oven where aqueous TOCN dispersions were dried on porous supports with mcron or submicron pores. A small amount of cationic surfactant was added to the TOCN dispersion to make hydrophilic TOCN surfaces hydrophobic to some extent. The porous TOCN networks formed inside the individual pores of the support had two-dimensional structures composed both of single and bundled TOCNs. Laser scanning microscopy was subjected to in situ monitoring during the formation of porous TOCN networks, showing that the wet thin films were first formed from the TOCN dispersion, followed by the gradual formation of submicron-sized pores in the films as water evaporated. The new method described here has potential for mass production of functional porous materials from cellulose nanofibers.