松沢 俊樹
法哲学年報 (ISSN:03872890)
vol.2004, pp.172-180,199, 2005-09-30 (Released:2008-11-17)

I've been discontented with the absence of the theory of international justice, both in the theory of justice and in International Relations. “The Law of Peoples”, J. Rawls'theory of international justice, is his third main work, and I think that it's useful to inquire his theory for constructing the theory of international justice. Therefore, in this paper, I try to examine his theory. In the first chapter, I explicate the basic structure of Rawls' theory. His theory is an answer to one of four problems, and the principles of international justice are worked out by the extension of political liberalism. To begin with, I explain the constituents of his theory to elucidate its features. These constituents are the theory of justice as realistic utopia, “the society of peoples” as the international society, “political constructivism” as the procedure for working out “the law of peoples”, “the law of peoples” as the principles of international justice and his own peculiar conception of human rights, the theory of democratic peace for keeping the international stability. In sum, he tries to show that political liberalism is universal enough to work out the principles. But, I argue that he privileges liberalism, and objectifies nonliberal peoples, therefore, his pluralism is only apparent, and can't avoid westernism. In the second chapter, I investigate two fundamental issues as follows. First, I argue that Rawls'theory can't avoid westernism, since he privileges political liberalism and human rights. Therefore, alternatively, I propose M. Walzer's international pluralism. Second, I argue that Rawls'critique of R. Gilpin isn't persuasive, since Rawls can't refute neorealism and the theory of hegemonic stability.Accordingly, I contend that Gilpin is more persuasive, since he accurately recognize the effectiveness of power in the international society.
松沢 俊樹
法哲学年報 (ISSN:03872890)
vol.1995, pp.177-184, 1996-10-30 (Released:2008-11-17)