松浦 究
日本医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00480444)
vol.47, no.4, pp.429-437, 1980-08-15 (Released:2010-10-14)

The inferelatia of the fecal E. coli in the mother and child attracts much attention of the investigators and the importance of this interaction has been documented in the literature.However, investigated cases are rather limited and the detailed patho-physiological significance should await further elucidation in future. In this viewpoint the author has isolated the E. coli from the fecal materials of mother and newborn infant chronologically and subtyped serologically. Moreover, concerning infection with reference to the mother-child relationship, circumstantial factors and infulence of the E. coli on mother and child have been investigated in this study.The study also has attempted to elucidate the mechanism how the E. coli settle in human intestine as normal flora.(1) The E. coli in newborn infant was isolated within 24 hours as the rate of 9.2%, 40.8% within 48 hours, and 61.8% within 72 hours.(2) Related to the relationship between delivery time and detection rate of E. coli in newborn intestine, it is very interesting to note that majority of the cases of prolonged delivery time beyond 18 hours disclosed detection of the E. coli within 48 hours.Contrary, in cases which showed delivery time within 18 hours, only detection rate of 35.8% was noted.(3) No significant correlation was observed in detection rate of E. coli and time interval of rupture of membrane and delivery of the babies.(4) Of 561 strains of E. coli separated from mothers and children, 194 strains (34.1%) could be identified serologically.(5) Serological typing disclosed 14 subtypes, namely, 0-1, 2, 18, 6, 13, 4, 8, 14, 15, 25, 12, 21, 23 and 36.(6) Out of 54 cases, 8 cases disclosed identical subtyped E. coli between the mother and child.(7) Among newborns admitted at about the same time, 24 cases (44.4%) of 54 showedidenticalserum types.Based on these observations, it is concluded that the highly probable presence of horizontal dissemination of the E. coli in newborn infants in virtue of circumstantial factors, although vertical dissemination in a mode of the mother to child relation should be present to a lesser extent.