松田 典之
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:2189034X)
no.17, pp.15-24, 2021-03-31

Kogoro Kataoka was a librarian at the time of the founding of the Chiba Prefectural Library. Kataoka,who became the librarian of the Chiba Prefectural Library, laid the foundations for the collection of the Chiba Prefectural Library and promoted the construction of a new prefectural library in order to fully demonstrate the functions of the prefectural library. In addition, the Chiba Prefectural Library Association was established to improve the prefectural libraries. Kataoka is a member of the Japan Library Association and gives his opinions on library statistics and what the association should be. As a librarian of the prefectural library, Kataoka was a person who laid the foundations for the prefectural library and worked to establish the library administration of Chiba prefecture centered on the prefectural library. In addition, in the Japan Library Association, he was a person who advocated the reform of the association.