柏木 恭典 Yasunori Kashiwagi 千葉経済大学短期大学部 CHIBA KEIZAI COLLEGE
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:13498312)
no.5, pp.1-12,

This thesis tries that specialty of learning of the expert-chef (ramen-shokunin) of ramen shops is clarified. Generally speaking, most Japanese like ramen. Ramen should have some elements charming many Japanese. The element is related with learning of the ramen-shokunin. This article shows the following; 1) make a eating trip,2) Search and encounter,3) experiment and balance, 4) trial and error. There are the four specialties of learning of the ramen-shokunin. I intend to clarify this specialties through many examples. And finally essence of learning of ramen-shokunin will be elucidated by a viewpoint of Hermeneutics; namely communicative self-education.
柏木 恭典
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:13498312)
no.6, pp.85-94,

This thesis discusses the problem of the family and the divorce in German speaking countries. First lyrics of a German song(G-POP) will be analyzed and interpreted. And, the difference of the understanding of the divorce between in Germany and in Japan is clarified. The latest issue of the family studies in German speaking countries will be continuously clarified. Finally, the problem of the concept of the patchwork-family will be described. A positive meaning of the divorce in German speaking countries will be clarified through this research. In German: Scheidungskind und seine Umgebung in den deutschsprachigen Landern.
柏木 恭典 Yasunori Kashiwagi 千葉経済大学短期大学部 CHIBA KEIZAI COLLEGE
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:2189034X)
no.12, pp.1-11,

The study aims to find out the historical relationship between child maltreatment and neonaticide. At first I tried to analyze the hermeneutical perspective of historical background of child maltreatment. Secondly I tried to describe the new anonymous support for women and children in need as protection prior to child maltreatment and abuse. It is most important issue for this study to elucidate research results relating to the concept of child maltreatment and the issues of Babyklappe (baby-box) and helping the women in need. The results suggest that the issues of child maltreatment historically not only belong to child protection, but also belong to supporting the women and children in need.
水野 基樹 川田 裕次郎 飯田 玲依 山本 真己 東 慎治 上野 朋子 山田 泰行 杉浦 幸 田中 純夫 Motoki Mizuno Yujiro Kawata Rei Iida masaki Yamamoto Shinji Higashi Tomoko Ueno Yasuyuki Yamada Miyuki Sgiura Sumio Tanaka 千葉経済大学短期大学部非常勤講師 CHIBA KEIZAI COLLEGE Part-time Lecturer
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:13498312)
no.4, pp.51-61,

The psychology of motivation is a broad and loosely defined field. Furthermore, motivation is a basic psychological process. Few would deny that it is the most important focus of the micro organizational behavior. Traditionally, psychologists have not totally agreed on how to classify the various human motives, but they acknowledge that some motives are unlearned physiologically based. For that reason, it is difficult to comprehend a framework of motive concepts which can predict human behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to review the motive concept suggested by McClelland(1987), who is most closely associated with the study of achievement motive. Specifically, first we summarized up the measurement and concepts of motive, such as "measures of human motive dispositions", "achievement motive", "power needs", "affiliative motive" and "avoidance motive". In addition, we critically reviewed and discussed them in terms of the definitions of concepts. In conclusion, although we could grasp the implications of each motive concept, there were some ambiguities regarding McClelland's motive concepts. Thus, more elaborate conceptual regulation and detailed explanation of the connections to the concepts seem necessary in order to clarify the notion of motive concepts, because there are a number of motives which lie in a gray area from the viewpoint of human motivation described by McClelland.
松田 典之
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:2189034X)
no.17, pp.15-24, 2021-03-31

Kogoro Kataoka was a librarian at the time of the founding of the Chiba Prefectural Library. Kataoka,who became the librarian of the Chiba Prefectural Library, laid the foundations for the collection of the Chiba Prefectural Library and promoted the construction of a new prefectural library in order to fully demonstrate the functions of the prefectural library. In addition, the Chiba Prefectural Library Association was established to improve the prefectural libraries. Kataoka is a member of the Japan Library Association and gives his opinions on library statistics and what the association should be. As a librarian of the prefectural library, Kataoka was a person who laid the foundations for the prefectural library and worked to establish the library administration of Chiba prefecture centered on the prefectural library. In addition, in the Japan Library Association, he was a person who advocated the reform of the association.
川名 禎
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:13498312)
no.9, pp.35-43,

In Earthquake of the Pacific coast of Tohoku, damage by the liquefaction-Fluidization occurred frequently in Chiba. Particularly in Asahi-shi, much liquefaction-Fluidization damage happened in slight highlands such as dune, where iron sand had been mined in 1960s. Because such the grounds are loose by being digged, liquefaction is easy to happen In addition, the liquefaction is related to the height of the groundwater. By examining the places where iron sand was mined and dune was in the past, it is found that someplace may have happen liquefaction-Fluidization. This study is useful for production of hazard maps.
室町 さやか Muromachi Sayaka 千葉経済大学短期大学部非常勤 CHIBA KEIZAI COLLEGE Part-time Lecturer
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:13498312)
no.9, pp.45-54,

Many musical methods and teaching materials for preschool children are currently introduced and published in Japan. Although this phenomenon reflects that the importance of musical education for infants is extensively admitted, it is the fact that the materials whose purpose is unclear for the early childhood education are increasing these days. On the other hand, it is reasonable that the old nursery songs and traditional music of Japan are payed attention as a reaction against for attaching to occidental music since the Meiji era in the history of school education. This study argued about odaly method which was established by a hungarian pedagogist Kodaly Zoltan and considerd how to teach the Japanese nursery songs to infants along the musical purpose.
柏木 恭典
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:13498312)
no.3, pp.39-54,

This paper attempts to reveal the positive meaning of self-education of cooks in ramen-shops (ramen-ya) in order to reflect on the problem of self-education of teachers. In Japan, people who are going to become cooks in ramen-shops usually do not learn a method or technique for making ramen from an expert on ramen. Normally, they learn the knack of making ramen by self-education (dokugaku). In this case, they walk all over Japan in order to eat ramen and to understand what ramen is. In Japanese, there is a traditional concept as opposed to self-education; Shugyo (ascetic practice in Buddhism). In this paper, commonality between self-education and Shugyo will be shown.
佐久間 美羊
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:2189034X)
no.17, pp.1-13, 2021-03-31

This paper analyses 1,507 Japanese internment cards for the Koninklijk Nederlands Indisch Leger (KNIL) during the Secord World War, which were translated from Japanese to English by the POW Research Network, Japan, and were made available in a database at the National Archives of the Netherlands. The cards reveal a lot of information about the deceased, including when, where and how they died. However, they were originally written in Japanese so the bereaved families found it difficult to understand the information.The database enabled anyone to access the cards both in Japanese and English. By using the database, this paper analyses how and where the dead were treated and managed. The information extracted from the cards shows that, in general, the dead were buried if they were located in camps outside Japan, and were cremated if they died in camps in Japan. If they died on board a ship they were given a burial at sea. The analysis also discloses lists of burial places and when, where and how the remains of the dead were returned to the Allied forces. This analysis provides an example of how quantitative research can be conducted by using the database.
佐久間 美羊
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:2189034X)
no.16, pp.23-32, 2020-03-31

This paper re-examines the propaganda activities at the Bunka Camp. The Bunka Camp was set-up by the Japanese Army during the Second World War with the aim of creating propaganda programs by engaging the POWs in the process. Post war memoirs and narratives about the Camp were told from the Japanese side and their focus was on the programs called“ Zero Hour” and“ Hinomaru Hour”. However, it is impossible to understand the whole picture of the Camp activities from these narratives because none of these authors, either civilian or military, were involved in the making of the programs across the entire period of the camp's existence. This paper pays attention to the last three POWs who were brought into the camp three months before the end of the war. They were not documented in the official Japanese records. By disclosing the stories of the three POWs, new programs other than the ones previously mentioned will be brought to light. In addition, the attitudes of the POWs towards the propaganda activities will be revealed. This research is essential in order to understand the Bunka Camp, not only from the Japanese perspective, but also from the perspectives of the POWs'.