松野 憲二
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1980, no.41, pp.71-84, 1980-04-25 (Released:2010-01-22)

It is a well known fact that contemporary schools are facing a number of problems. Various solutions are presented and attempts at reform are made. Nevertheless the situation which is supposed to be remedied turns out more and more serious. One of the reasons for that is that the present situation is emptied to such a degree that its emptiness being formally established, is looked upon as an ordinary state of matters; another reason lies in the convictions about education which make it impossible to realise that actually schools are facing a crisis ; hence means and ways for a reform were sought in the mode of the schools of old Japan, and by matching their reality with the modern school, a principle for the regeneration of the school was sought. Thus schools can function properly standing firmly on a modern point of view.The principle here discovered leads to a theory alien to a formalistic consideration of age differences, alien to a fixed view of treating patterns and curricular theories, it is a theory of the meaning of the learning motivation, it is a theory of the relation between politics and education, in a sense an all-too obvious theory. The formation of a consciousness for which this principle is deemed absolutely necessary, was discussed with the end in view that this formation will eventually result from it.