夏 恒治 望月 由 平松 武 柏木 健児 安達 長夫 菊川 和彦 白川 泰山 大前 博路 横矢 晋 奥平 信義
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.28, no.3, pp.453-457, 2004-08-30 (Released:2012-11-20)

CT-osteoabsorptiometry gave us the information about the distribution of mineralization of subchondral bone plate (DMSB). DMSB reflected the stress distribution of joint surface. We analyzed the stress distribution of glenoid cavities in throwing injures of the shoulder by CT-osteoabsorptiometry. Twenty eight patients with throwing injuries of the shoulder,24 patients with other shoulder disorders, and 4 healthy volunteers without any shoulder disorders were evaluated in this study. Group T included 28 affected shoulders of patients with throwing injuries of the shoulder. Group C included 60 non-affected shoulders of all subjects. Three dimensionally reconstructed computed tomograms (3D-CT) and DMSB of the glenoid cavities were filmed before the series of treatment. The glenoid cavity was divided into 7 areas; anterior-superior, anterior, anteriorinferior, posterior-inferior, posterior, posterior-superior and center area. The value of each area was classified into 4 grades. In group C, the mean value of the anterior-superior areas was significantly higher than those of the other areas. Meanwhile in group T, the highest mean value was that of the anterior-superior area. However, the mean values of anterior, posterior, and posterior-inferior areas were significantly higher than those of group C. The form of glenoid cavity in group T evaluated by 3D-CT showed the posterior and posterior-inferior enlargement of the glenoid cavity, which could be interpreted as a Bennett's lesion. Our results supported the hypothesis that a Bennett's lesion would be a reactive bone growth against stress onto the glenoid cavity.