- 著者
柳澤 良明
- 出版者
- 日本教育行政学会
- 雑誌
- 日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.30, pp.48-63, 2004-10-08 (Released:2018-01-09)
The purpose of this paper is to show the roles of educational administrative organs in Germany at the federal and state levels in promoting a high quality of school education by considering issues related to academic achievement and academic achievement improvement policies. I will use the term "social base of educational administration" to refer to the roles of educational administrative organs in promoting a high quality of school education. The recent results of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) clearly showed that the averages of academic achievement for students in Germany were below the averages of other OECD countries. In Germany this has been labeled the "PISA shock." Issues related to academic achievement are taken very seriously in Germany, not only by those in education, but also by many other people throughout the society. PISA-E (PISA's national examination) clearly shows that there are large differences in terms of the averages of students and academic achievement between the 16 states of Germany. After the PISA results, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education decided in December 2001 on seven points which were to be emphasized. These involved not only subjects for school education but also for family education. The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education presented a statement titled "PISA 2000" in October 2002. The following factors were emphasized in the statement. First, students lack qualitative understanding. Second, the spread of reading competence is wider than in other OECD countries. Third, there is a link between social background and the achievement of certain competencies. Fourth, the aim is to promote a higher average and to decrease gaps in achievement. Fifth, help for children in migrant families has not been successful in Germany. Policies for the improvement of academic achievement in each field have been proposed in this statement. The expansion of full-time schooling and the renewal and establishment of educational standards is noteworthy. To mention, for example, the characteristics of academic achievement improvement policies, there are, firstly, arrangements at the federal level. Secondly, each state aims to reduce the gap between their students and the average achievement between states by means of academic competition. Thirdly, academic achievement improvement policies involve recognition of social problems. Finally, to highlight the roles of educational administrative organs in promoting a high quality of school education, educational administrative organs at the federal and state level have begun promoting policies which encourage academic specialization. After a decision of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education, Germany has also been participating in international and national achievement tests and has analyzed these results minutely. Each state has appointed many pilot schools and collected a large amount of data. Educational administrative organs at the federal and state level now analyze the current situation by academic investigation and make policies based on analyses of these to improve the quality of their school education. Educational administrative organs at the federal and state level have also begun to control the quality of school education by means of analyzing the results and evaluations of students and teachers ('output'). Thus far, educational administrative organs have controlled the quality of school education by means of controlling input, but there is now a new trend towards 'output' control. Each state has begun unified tests. Educational standards are premised on the control of the quality of school education by means of 'output' control. Moreover, the educational administrative organs in each state have expanded their support functions. Since the PISA shock educational(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)