上岡 令奈 見元 尚 橋本 将幸 筒井 由佳 入江 博之
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.10, pp.491-495, 2018-10-10 (Released:2019-10-10)

Cardioplegia plays an important role in cardiac surgery. Various cardioplegia solutions have been utilized at different hospitals worldwide; however, Miotecter® is the only commercially available solution in Japan. The del Nido solution is a cardioplegia solution that has been applied to adult patients owing to its advantage in achieving a relatively long duration of cardiac arrest with a single dose. However, the del Nido solution is not available in Japan, and there is no report of del Nido solution use in Japan. Thus, we decided to formulate a cardioplegia solution with the function of the del Nido solution at our hospital (Chikamori Hospital, Chikamori Health Care Group). Although the available preparation equipment was limited, we successfully designed a safe formulation using a commercially available product; the preparation was conducted at a clean bench. The prepared “del Nido Chikamori Modification” extended the redosing interval from its original 20 min to the current 45 min with one administration. We expect the redosing interval to be extended even further in the future. In addition, other reasons for the preferred usage of the del Nido Chikamori are likely to include its advantages in easy blood glucose control and its inexpensiveness.