田場 聡 大城 篤 高江洲 和子 諸見里 善一 澤岻 哲也 Taba Satoshi Ooshiro Atsushi Takaesu Kazuko Moromizato Zen-ichi Takushi Tetsuya 沖縄県農業試験場 琉球大学農学部 沖縄県農試宮古支場
沖縄農業 (ISSN:13441477)
vol.37, no.1, pp.21-28, 2003-07

本研究では,露地における米ぬか混和・太陽熱併用処理のネコブセンチュウに対する効果を検討した.その結果,植物体の成長および収量が良く,最もネコブセンチュウに対する防除効果が高い処理法は,1重被覆・米ぬか混和併用処理であった.太陽熱処理単独,米ぬか混和・太陽熱併用処理の土壌微生物に及ぼす影響を調査した結果では,両処理とも糸状菌数の低下が認められたが,後者では緩和された.また線虫密度に関しても,前者ではネコブセンチュウだけでなく,自活性線虫に対しても影響が強いが,後者ではやや緩和された.以上のことからオクラのネコブセンチュウ防除において最も有効な処理法は1重被覆・米ぬか混和処理であると考えられた.In this study the effect of use of rice bran together with solar heat treatment in the fields on southern root-knot nematode that is one of the important parasite on okra is examined. As a result, the treatment having most effectiveness on controlling the nematode and on the plant growth and on the yield was the combination of the single covering and rice bran mixture method. The effect of single treatment with solar heat and using rice bran and solar heat in combination on the micro flora in soil showed that fungi decreased in number on both treatments but the effect was relieved by the combinational treatment. As for the nematode density, the single solar heating had a strong influence on free-living nematodes as well as on southern root-knot nematode but it was alleviated by the combination. From the results mentioned above, it is conceivable that the best control method of southern root-knot nematode infested on okra is combination method of single covering and rice bran treatments.
松田 昇 長堂 嘉孝 島袋 清香 松村 まさと Matsuda Noboru Nagado Yositaka Simabuku Sayaka 沖縄県農業試験場名護支場 沖縄県農業試験場八重山支場
沖縄農業 (ISSN:13441477)
vol.39, no.1, pp.5-17, 2005-12

沖縄県のハウス栽培におけるパッションフルーツの開花習性と結実習性を明らかにするため,ビニール被覆栽培の樹を用いて試験した.結果を要約すると以下の通りである.1)開花は2つの山がみられ,ピークは4月上旬と中旬であった.5月上旬から12月まで開花がみられなかった.果実の収穫は5月下旬から7月上旬であった.蕾の縦経5mmから開花まで約24日,受粉から収穫まで60±4.9日を要した.2)花の形態別開花の推移は3つの山がみられ,1次は12月1日から3日,2次波は12月5日から7日,3次波は12月14日から15日であった.3)開花の早晩は温度に影響され,午前中の温度が高ければ11時頃までに開花した.4)花の形態別の発生割合は接触型が87.3%,接近型が8.1%,直立型が4.5%であった.花の形態別結実率は接触型と接近型が高く,直立型は結実しなかった.5)平均結実率は59%から63%で,日によってばらつきが大きかった.温度,湿度との相関はみられなかった.6)花の開花後の受粉は開花後8時間まで高い結実率を示した.The objective of present study was examined in order to clarify flowering and fruiting habit (behavior) of the passionfruit cultivated in the vinyl house in Okinawa. The outline of results obtained are as follows: 1) The time from visible buds (5 mm length) to flowering takes about 24 days. Flowering had two peaks, first on early April and second on middle April. However, the buds from May to December could not have developed into flowers. The time from the pollinated flower to the mature fruit takes about 60±4.9 days. 2) The different types of flowers had three peaks, the first from 1st to 3rd of December, a second peak from 5th to 7th of December, a third peak from 14th of December. 3) It was considered that the flowering depends on the air temperature in the morning. 4) The flowering percentages of the different type were: 87.3% for normal (contact) type, 8.1% for recreate type, and 4.5% for upright type. The highest fruit set percentage was observed in the normal and recreate type flower. Flowers with upright styles failed to set fruit. 5) The average fruit percentage was about 59-63% by hand pollination during two flowering period. Correlations did not exist between fruit set and air temperature or humidity. 6) The highest fruit set percentage showed 8 hours after flower open.