津田 眞澂
青森公立大学経営経済学研究 (ISSN:13419404)
vol.2, no.1, pp.26-47, 1996-09

Always embarassed is an ambiguous definition on "Japanese-style management". It seeems to say that "life-term employment security," "seniority-based wage rate raise," and "companywide unionism" are the core of that management paradigm, in Japanese big firms. However, It may make confuse reader unless saying so through understanding Japanese management system as a whole. This paper deals with the philosophy and practices not only on personnel management but management on as a whole of one of the leading president of Japanese manufacturig corporations, Sakurada Takeshi (1904〜 1981) who served as the president and chairman of Nisshin Bohseki Company (in the spinning and textile industry). He was, additonally, one of the founders of The Japan Employers Federation on Industrial Relations (Nikkeiren), the strong supporter for the Prersident Ikeda Hayato (the promoter of the Income Doubling Programme) in late-sixties of Japanese ecomic growth. His management philosophy was systematized through three axes: market-based rational management, rational industrial relations, and all-the-employee-coordination work-program. This paper continues through the following two or three issues in this publication. The content is based on direct talkings with him, documents, his papers, his speechs,and other publications,