吉原 正彦
青森公立大学経営経済学研究 (ISSN:13419404)
vol.1, no.1, pp.52-66, 1996-03-11

In 1932,Henderson started "Seminary on Pareto and Methods of scientific Investigation, " that is known as the Pareto's Seminar, at the department and division of Sociology at Harvard University. It helped the proliferation of pareto's Sociology and the field of social scieces. Henderson came to believe that Pareto's Sociology was not only far superior to that of others as a scientific method, but also as a provider of opportunities for many competent and specialized students to network and stimulate their minds. In fact, students from the diverse fields of scientific study took his course. I will explain shortly in this paper Henderson's influence on F. J. Roethlisberger, G. C. Homans and T. Parsons. I will also attempt to explain clearly what his motive was for writing "Pareto's Science of Society" and Pareto's General Sociology : A Physiologist's Interpertation in 1935. I beleive that his major motive was to criticize the English version of Traite de Sociologie Generale, Whose English title is "Mind and Society." He acknowledged that pareto's Sociology was the greatest scientific study and the excellent "general" theory explaining the complex human interactions that have been investigated by the academic group in humanities and social sciences.
阿部 敏哉
青森公立大学経営経済学研究 (ISSN:13419404)
vol.2, no.2, pp.144-153, 1997-03-15

In management theory,importance of decision making had been often discussed. Researchers in the past, however, rarely dealt with a cognitive process after decision making. Leon Festinger's Cognitive Dissonance Theory is one of the rare researches that explaines effectively people's pro-decision making cognition. The theory has two basic hypotheses: (1) The existence of dissonance, being psychologically uncomfortable, will motivate the person to try to reduce the dissonance and achieve consonance. (2) When dissonance is present, in addition to trying to reduce it, the person will actively avoid situations and information which would likely increase the dissonance. Using the theory, we might be able to come up with some new perspectives on some complex issues such as a process of decision making and cognition, a relationship between motivational factors, a relationship between motivational factors and motivation, and communication gaps in various relationships.
吉原 正彦
青森公立大学経営経済学研究 (ISSN:13419404)
vol.1, no.1, pp.36-51, 1996-03-11

The purpose of this study is to give a clearer explanation as to what the Harvard Circle is, which emerged in the 1930s. It is based on the materisls I gathered at Baker Library Archives at the Harvard Business School searching for the locus to Lowrence J. Henderson's activities mainly during the period of 1927 through 1932. In 1927 Henderson encounterd Pareto's Traite de Sociologie Generale, which he praised as the greatest scientific construction in this century. He lectured on Pareto's Sociology for the course of "Mills Lectureship in Philosophy" at California University, and discussed the possibility of scientific approach to human behavior in some of his papers : "An Approximate Definition of Fact" (1932) ; "Science, Logic, and Human Intercourse" (1933). In these papers, he pointed out the organic characteristics of experience and the emotional involement in thoughts as the source of errors in scientific system of thought. In order not to fall into errors, we must not analyse things solely from the perspective of "cause and effect, " instead, we need to establish a conceptual scheme based on thorough investigation of independent nature of things and human emotions as well. He further claimed that even the analysis with that scheme, it is impossible to escaps from being the approximate approach to the fact.
津田 眞澂
青森公立大学経営経済学研究 (ISSN:13419404)
vol.2, no.1, pp.26-47, 1996-09

Always embarassed is an ambiguous definition on "Japanese-style management". It seeems to say that "life-term employment security," "seniority-based wage rate raise," and "companywide unionism" are the core of that management paradigm, in Japanese big firms. However, It may make confuse reader unless saying so through understanding Japanese management system as a whole. This paper deals with the philosophy and practices not only on personnel management but management on as a whole of one of the leading president of Japanese manufacturig corporations, Sakurada Takeshi (1904〜 1981) who served as the president and chairman of Nisshin Bohseki Company (in the spinning and textile industry). He was, additonally, one of the founders of The Japan Employers Federation on Industrial Relations (Nikkeiren), the strong supporter for the Prersident Ikeda Hayato (the promoter of the Income Doubling Programme) in late-sixties of Japanese ecomic growth. His management philosophy was systematized through three axes: market-based rational management, rational industrial relations, and all-the-employee-coordination work-program. This paper continues through the following two or three issues in this publication. The content is based on direct talkings with him, documents, his papers, his speechs,and other publications,
村尾 博
青森公立大学経営経済学研究 (ISSN:13419404)
vol.10, no.2, pp.3-20, 2005-03

Likert (1932) developed a scale for the measurement of attitudes, which became known as the "Likert scale." Nowadays, data extracted from a single Likert-type item are often treated as interval data under the name of Likert scale or Likert data. This is unfortunate because such data are illegitimate Likert data. They are ordinal data by construction. In order to distinguish from legitimate Likert data, data extracted from a single Likert-type item are called "Likert type item data" in this paper. This paper investigates the logic of the Likert scale in order to find out whether or not Likert-type item data can be treated as interval data under a certain condition. In Likert's book, the normal population is used as a system of transformation from rank information to quantitative information. This mechanism can be used for the case of Likert-type item data as well. From the viewpoint of emphasizing the importance of normal population, this paper shows a practical condition under which Likert-type item data can be treated as interval data. Furthermore, this paper provides answers to a few questions discussed among researchers using Likert-type item data. Labovitz (1967, 1970) demonstrates that treating ordinal data as interval data by arbitrarily assigning numbers to ordinal categories can be both legitimate and useful. This paper critically analyzes the logic behind Labovitz's idea. Such analysis recognizes the importance of the normal population assumption.
木立 力
青森公立大学経営経済学研究 (ISSN:13419404)
vol.9, no.2, pp.81-95, 2004-03-20

In this paper, I examine the general equilibrium effects of early retirement in a Tobin-type continuous overlapping generations model. I show that when the rate of time preference is sufficiently high, early retirement can raise the life-time utility of life-time consumption. If optimal intergenerational lump-sum transfer policies are introduced, early retirement reduces life-time utility, irrespective of the rate of time preference. People can be worse off by retiring late because the capital labor ratio declines far below the golden rule capital labor ratio.