浅井 勝彦
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:18848354)
vol.79, no.803, pp.2532-2545, 2013 (Released:2013-07-25)

In this research, I investigated the design of non-circular pulley for a force/torque profile adjustment mechanism. I proposed the generalized analytical design method of the non-circular pulley applicable to the majority of structures. By using this design method, the torque acting on the non-circular pulley and the force acting on the flexible part twisted around the non-circular pulley can be converted mutually to obtain a desired torque/force profile. Also I demonstrated the design of the non-circular pulley for a spring balancer and for an arm weight compensation mechanism. Furthermore, I investigated the design limit of the non-circular pulley, and showed that too long effective radius, too long offset length, and too short radius of curvature cause the problem of impractical non-circular pulley shape. From the analysis of the occurrence condition of each case, it became clear that the derivative of the effective radius is important for avoiding too long offset length and that the effective radius and the second derivative of that are important for avoiding too short radius of curvature.