渡邉 駿
イスラーム世界研究 : Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies (ISSN:18818323)
vol.11, pp.256-303, 2018-03-23

This study attempts to create a methodological reflection on the political analysis of contemporary Arab monarchical states. In particular, this study pursues a theoretical framework of comparative political analysis, which attempts to clarify the ideal structure and genealogical legitimacy of eight Arab monarchical states. Recent political studies of monarchies have a tendency to presuppose the disappearance of monarchies in the modern era. However, this assumption often seems inaccurate. When we cast our eyes on the history of political regimes, most of them have been monarchies. In addition, a group of eight monarchies still exist in the Arab world in the contemporary era. Considering these circumstances, this article does not assume that monarchies should fall in the contemporary era. It begins by accepting the fact that a group of monarchies still exist in the world and aims at exploring their actuality and the way the monarchs' powers have been recognized by the ruled. To accomplish this, the article is composed of three sections. Section I compares monarchies around the world, and attempts to establish the features of Arab monarchies compared to European and Asian monarchies. Section II analyzes Arab monarchies from historical and contemporary perspectives. Section III contains case analyses of the genealogies and lineages of Arab monarchies and tries to determine how these elements are utilized to legitimize their rule.