吾妻 美子 熊澤 綾乃 吉良 佳那 Rajapakse R. P. V. J. Wickramasinghe Susiji 渡部 嘉哉 吾妻 健
高知学園短期大学紀要 (ISSN:03894088)
vol.36, pp.75-85, 2006-02-15

A pathohistological study on toxocariasis was performed on infected mice, on which the autopsy was carried out 4 days, 7 days and 10 days after the infection. In paticular, we examined the histology of inflammation and the repair of the lungs in the infected mice. The hemorrhage was largely recognized in the alveolus. The injured tissues were immediately followed by an acute local reaction characterized by a sequence of vascular changes, including the outpouring of plasma fluids and proteins. Then, many neutrophilic and eosinophilic leukocytes outpoured from blood vessels. Many alveolar macrophages were activated, and erythrocytes were phagocyted by them. After phagocytosis, hemogiderin was stocked in the cytoplasm of the alveolar macrophages. These were the inflammatory reaction and the process of repair to the injury caused by Toxocara canis.