関川 千尋 田中 利絵
京都教育大學紀要. B, 自然科学 (ISSN:00236101)
vol.86, pp.51-68, 1995-03

The objectivc of this study was to clarify how bicycles should be used in urban areas. For this purpose,illegal bicycle parking was observed near 82 stations in the south Kyoto area and found to occur frequently. Surveys were handed out to bicycle users at three representative stations (Kintetsu Mukaijima Station,Keihan Demachi Yanagi Station and Keihan Rokujizo Station). Of 1720 questionnaires handed out, 246 were returned,for a response rate of 14.3%. Based on the results of the survey,a solution to the problem as well as guidelines for bicycle use were examined. As a result,(1) near the 82 train stations in the south Kyoto area,60,308 bicycles were observed and 28.8% of the total (17,358) were parked illegally. (2) Bicycle users who were surveyed felt that illegal parking of bicycles is inexcusable in other people,but allowable if they themselves were the ones who were doing it. (3) Solutions to the illegal bicycle parking problem,such as improvement of ethics through education and fines,establishment of a comprehensive rational management policy,including such measures as total regulation of bicycles used inside the city,and a rental system,were considered.この研究では,都市における適切な自転車利用のあり方を探ることを目的としている。目的達成のため,現在南京都地区(82駅)周辺に頻発している迷惑駐輪の実情を把握すると共に,典型的な3駅(近鉄向島駅,京阪出町柳駅,京阪六地蔵駅)の自転車利用者へのアンケート調査を通して,その解消方向・および適切な自転車利用のあり方を検討した。調査票配布数1720票,回収数246票,回収率14.3%であった。その結果,(1)南京都地区の82駅周辺で,60,308台の駐輪が観察され,その28.8%(17,358台)が迷惑駐輪であった。(2)調査対象の自転車利用者は,迷惑駐輪を「他人には許さないが自分の行動規範の中では許す」という駐輪意識を持っていた。(3)この迷惑駐輪をなくす方向として、「教育や罰金によりモラルの向上を図る」,「都市で利用できる自転車の総量規制をし, レンタル制等を含む合理的な管理体制を確立する」などの方向が考察された。