西崎 祐輔 瓜田 明 田中 周治
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2003, no.2, pp.341-342, 2003-08-05

3 dimensional wake structures behind rectangular flat-plate wings with aspect ratios of 0.1∿1.0 have been investigated using Laser Doppler Velocimeter and yaw-probe. Flow details, such as vorticity vectors and vortex lines in the wakes, have been analyzed for the 5 typical flow configurations (PS-1∿PS-4,FS), which were classified in the previous report from the measurements of aerodynamic characteristics and surface flow visualization. Trailing vortices are clearly formed for flow configurations, PS-1 and PS-2. Ring-type vortices are shed for FS. Vortex structures for PS-3 and PS-4 appear to be mixed types of trailing vortices and ring-type vortices.